v. it matters and you know it.

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v. it matters and you know it.

               SILENCE SEEMED TO be the only thing Catherine was sure about

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     SILENCE SEEMED TO be the only thing Catherine was sure about. Leaving camp twenty minutes ago to search for Jasper, she had a boost of adrenaline, she was ready to take on the entire world with just her two bruised hands. As she adventured deeper into the mysterious and seemingly dull forest, her confidence faded away from her like blood dripping from a wound; slowly, and painfully leaving her empty.

It was like the scarring image of Jasper was being played on a loop, Catherine's bones shuddering raw every time her eyelids locked shut. She could see the spear gliding over the river, see the shock on everyone's faces once is struck Jasper in the chest and forced him backwards, she could see the blood left behind after the grounders dragged him away. She could see all of it, her veins plagued with dread and horror.

Nobody had said a word since parting ways with the dropsite, nobody had even spared a second glance to anyone. The quiet was haunting Catherine, bringing her back to lonely hours at night when she would cry at the wall of her cell, the breath heaving from her lungs in heavy strides. She hating crying; it made her feel weak, useless, damaged. And reminiscing in the past, Catherine came to the conclusion that anything hurt less than the quiet—even the smug voice of Bellamy as he broke through the silence, shattering it into a billion of unsettling pieces.

"Hey, hold up. What's the rush?" He asked, the coal-black pistol wavering between his fingers as he upthrusted the gun in the air cockily. "You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells hissed, cutting past both Catherine and Clarke before he stepped in front of Bellamy.

Murphy was quick to respond, roughly shoving against the dark-skinned boys shoulder. "Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?"

"Can you stop acting like children for just one second and shut the hell up?" Catherine snapped, rolling her dark green eyes to the back of her head in annoyance.

Bellamy raised his eyebrows in amusement, but before he could retort, Clarke was bouncing forward, a grimace tightly on her face. "Jasper screamed when they moved him," the blond explained. "If the spear had struck his heart, he'd have died instantly."

The man, without saying a word, wore a smug smirk that caused a fire to spark inside Catherine's chest, to which she responded to by planting herself in front of him, fuming with vexation as she spoke. "Why do you have to be so heartless?"

EMPTY HEARTS, b. blake [O.H]Where stories live. Discover now