Part 9 -Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive. :)

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I was laying next to Nathan when my phone buzzed again.



I will get you, you know you might as well just give up!

I shuddered at the thought he was texting me. I hated his guts i really did.

' What's up?' Nathan said holding me tighter. 'Urm Nothing' i said giving and unconvincing smile. 'Tell me now Zaza!'  'Honestly it's nothing Nath' i gave a light smile. I wanted to tell him but i couldn't how do you explain that one. Oh hey Nath by the way my ex hit me, i took drugs and he's saying he's gonna get me. I couldn't tell him.


The boys were all really close. Everyone was getting on really well. I had gotten to know the boys really well, they were practically like my brothers.  The girls were here most of the time.  We were meeting her Tomorrow after the boys had performed. When i say her i mean Mum, she wouldn't leave us alone unless we spoke to her. They were now doing school tours to get some publicity, and tomorrow they were performing in a school in Bolton. We were already there but were staying in a hotel for the night. Tom was staying the night at Ginas' and The other boys had a room each. I stayed in a room in between Max and Nathan. It was now 9:00pm 'Right i'm off to Ginas' now see you in the morning!' He said leaving the hotel. 'Max come here' He said. he whispered something to Max then Left. Max came in laughing to himself. 'What did he say Jay asked.' 'He said  keep an eye on Nath and Za'  20 minutes later and we all went into Seevs' room, they were all on twitter. 'Let me set up an account for you' Max said. 'Fine.' i smiled. 'Zara can i speak to you quickly?'Max said his face suddenly turning serious. 'Sure' i said walking out the door. We went into Maxs' room. 'Zara what is this?' he said showing me the text on my phone. Ohhh crap!
Just saw Tom, i  know where you are. I will be visiting you tomorrow! Enjoy your last night of freedom!

'Nothing Max.' i said looking at my shoes. 'It's not nothing Zara, i know you obviously don't want anyone to know, so tell me now or i will tell Tom!' 'Please Max don't!' i said tears forming in my eyes. 'Zara just tell me!, who is it?'  i took a deep breath. ''s my ex boyfriend Jack' i said as the tears were now streaming down my face. 'Explain ZaZa?' 'He...he...he made me take drugs, i didn't want to Max, i'm not like that but he hit me because i didn't want to, and i broke up with him, but he always finds me and beats me up!' i said stuttering the last words. 'Ju....ju....just before me and Tom moved to London, he found me and he beat me up Max, he told me not to tell anyone or i knew what's going to happen!' 'i lifted up the bottom of my top revealing my back. Still bruised from when he found me. 'Zara... why haven't you told Tom, why haven't you told anyone!' he almost whispered. 'Be...Because Max he knows people, people that you don't mess with!' I said begging him not to say a word to ANYONE! 'Max please don't tell anyone, please!' 'Fine but you tell Tom tomorrow i will and i'm not leaving you on your own!' he said getting up' he hugeed me and we walked back into the other room. 'Nath come here a sec ' yeah?' Nathan said walking over to Max. 'Zaras' sleeping in your room tonight' Max said sternly. '  

SORRY IT'S TAKEN SOOO LONG! been ill and had loads of work! Next part should be up tomorrow :) Feedback? :D  

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