Chapter 16: I need to be shipped off to an intensive, lying training camp.

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Unfortunately, the original cover of True Friends (done by D at Sea) that I added to this chapter is not here anymore, as the original video on YouTube was taken down for some reason; it was a beautiful cover, and I'm sad about it! Ah! Here's another wonderful cover though. :) 

Song: True Friends

Artist(s): Sammy_Irish (Original: Bring Me The horizon).

As I take a step in, my nose instantly reacts to my betrayal; it's being a strong sniffer today.

"Aiden?" I softly call, and for the second time feel another jab by my dumb logic. Again, I realize how stupid I am. What did I think to accomplish? How am I supposed to find someone who is staying silent in the opposite gender's bathroom? By looking through each and every stall? I smack my forehead and grumble.

Damn me and all my not well thought-out actions.

As I turn around to leave and hopefully forget I even did this, I hear two muffled voices not too far from the outside of the door; male voices. Wait, I can just explain why I'm here and— no! Dumb fuck! I'll be the talk of the school!

I turn reluctantly toward the stalls and make a run to the one at the end. Just three seconds after I enter the stall, the door opens and in walks the dudes. I almost take a peek through the side, due to my curiosity, but I stop myself as I do not want to risk getting shamelessly caught peeping at guys through a stall.

"Yeah, man, like... When is that lump inside a woman considered human?" one of the guys ask.

I hear a short grunt. "I don't know," another replies, sounding annoyed. "Ask a doctor, or a woman, or your mom."

Wow! I almost let out a chuckle but I stifle it to the best of my ability. I feel one drop of sweat trickle down the side of my head. They go on with their conversation, not noticing someone else is listening, thankfully.

"That is fucked up, dick."

"You're fucked up."

"No, but anyway," he continues, like nothing happened. Their demeanor towards each other is like they're siblings. I hate listening in on this dumb talk, but I've got no choice for the time being, as I'm stuck in this stall until they leave. "And it's the size of a fuckin' basketball. How the fuck do they catapult that outta their itty, bitty, delicate vagi—"

"Can you shut the fuck up? I need to take a shit."

"Just curious," he mumbles.

Footsteps approach the stalls and I pray that he doesn't notice my presence in the last stall. My attempts to sound like a guy would fail, as my male impression is pretty shitty. (Heh, get it? Wow, I'm lame. Focus, Lauren!) Thankfully, he doesn't come up to mine and he finishes up his business and leaves with his friend...



After a few seconds of making sure it's safe to come out, I finally exit the stall, take some paper towels, and grip the handle.

Ugh, nasty.

I pull it open, toss the paper in the trash and leap out... just to bump into someone. Just when I thought life was going to play nice with me, it hits me with a bat just before I reach home base! Damn it— damn my luck.

I keep my head low and shyly step to the side to let him through, hoping he doesn't ask me to explain anything. But again, to my inevitable, unsurprising demise, he doesn't move. I still do not look up. I don't know too many people so I'll just make a run for it. As I take my first step forward, the person says in a low voice, "I know it's you, Lauren."

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