Happy Mask Salesman and Majora

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Here's my first theory! Anyway, the Happy Mask Salesman is a fairly creepy character in the Legend of Zelda series, but his creepiness easily has it's peak in Majora's Majora's mask. This theory uses parts of other theories, especially the Demi-god theory and the Ancient One theory.

For anyone who hasn't played the game (although I doubt you'll get most of this theory if you haven't) I'll give a basic sum-up of the game for you. 

The game starts with young Link wandering in the forest looking for a lost friend which is presumably his helpful, (but incredibly annoying), fairy companion Navi from Ocarina of Time, the direct prequel/sequel to this game (time travel is confusing) He encounters a skull kid wearing a mask and two fairies who proceed to knock Link unconscious and steal his Ocarina of Time. Link chases them but falls down a long hole and is turned into a wooden Deku scrub by the skull kid. Link then meets the Happy Mask salesman who says he can return Link to his original form if he gets back the mask that the skull kid stole from him. After a series of events, Link learns that the moon is falling and retrieves his ocarina to travel back in time to when he met the Salesman. The Salesman returns Link to his original form, by turning his Deku form into a mask, but when he learns that Link did not retrieve the mask, he goes into a fit, and tells Link about the evil powers that live in the mask, called Majora's Mask. Link then goes to retrieve the mask and stop the moon by repeating the three day cycle over and over again. After he gets to Majora the second time, the mask flies into the air and drops the skull kid onto the ground. Link and the mask are sucked into the moon and battle, when Link wins, the moon vanishes and the mask is cured of the spirit.

My belief is that the Happy Mask Salesman is Majora, and that the mask is another part of him.

-In the english translation of the game, when you fail to get Majora's mask back in the first cycle, the Salesman will say "What have you done to me!", implying a personal connection. While it's possible this is a translation error, the fact that this appears in both the 3DS and N64 versions of the game discourage this. Perhaps he is referring to keeping his spirit away from him longer than neccesary.

-The Salesman has "gone to great lengths" to get Majora's mask, and one may wonder why he would spend so much time to retrieve a evil mask, let alone carry it with him if he knows about the evil. Perhaps he is attempting to retrieve part of his spirit?

-The moon children all appear to be younger versions of the Happy Mask Salesman and have clearly known him before. The child wearing Majora's Mask is sitting under the tree unhappy because he has no one to play with. Perhaps the Salesman is an exiled moon child who was separated from his spirit.

-The Salesman is the only person seemingly who knows the Song of Healing, a song that separates a person's spirit and turns it into a mask. Maybe the moon children played that song after his exile to separate him from his mask.

Essentially, I believe the Happy Mask Salesman is an exiled moon child, who was separated from his mask and was trying to retrieve it for himself to unite his person.

I think I've covered all bases, but if you see a gap in my logic, please tell me, and I'll try to fix it!

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