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*Violence. Death. Lots and lots of death*

I awake to a gunshot.

And my mind immediately goes to Clarke. I don't feel the warmth of her body beside me. Just when the panic sets in, I glance over to the corner of the hut, and see Clarke grabbing and loading a gun of her own.

Good. I just had her, I can't lose her.

"I'm going to find out what's going on." Clarke says, running out of the tent. I need to go with her.

"Princess!" I yell after her, jumping out of bed. I don't want her in danger. Not without me to protect her.

There is a crowd of people surrounding the hut, not letting Clarke through, who's only wearing a sports bra and jeans. I yell at them.

"Let the princess through!" Atom comes forward, and says something that makes my blood boil with pure and utter hate.

"Just because you fucked her doesn't mean you can treat her different than all the sluts you abused." He scoffs. He regrets it. I know he does. Because Clarke is standing there, gun in hand, right after a shot went off. At first I thought she killed him, but there is blood on his ankle, and no where else. She just hurt him. Bad. That's my Princess.

"Does anybody else want to get hurt? Let us through." The crowd recedes after seeing my stare. What lies in front of us shocks me.

On the ground, in a pool of blood, is Finn's lifeless body. Clarke lets out a gasp of terror, then runs toward my hut.

"Princess! Princess!" I call for her, but no reply. When I reach the tent, Clarke is sitting on the bed. Just staring.

"He deserved it." She states. But that isn't what matters.

"We need to know who did it." I say, looking to her.

"Together?" She asks. I don't give her an answer right away. I walk over to her and kiss her full, soft lips and whisper,


Be Brave, Princess (Bellarke)Where stories live. Discover now