the life of jayonce

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AGIAN this is NOT my story but I think you guys should read it I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Before Jay and Bey met, sometime in 2001...its fiction hell lol! Enjoy!


*on his day off, watching some tv*

*flipping through channels, thinking*

Man it aint shit on. Guess I'll watch some videos on TRL. *DC video comes on* Damn, them girls lookin good, but the light skin one fine. *video goes off*

TRL person: That was Beyonce, Kelly, and Michelle of Destiny's Child.

I wonder which one she is. I would f...*phone rings*

Jay: Hello

His Mom: Hey son

Jay: Hey Ma, how u doin?

His Mom: Im fine, how r u?

Jay: Im good Ma, jus working. Im tryna enjoy my off day, but I don't know how to cuz I work so much

His Mom: *laughs* I told u about workin so hard. Ima cook tonight come on over here. Dinner gone be ready at 7 and ya sisters are comin too

Jay: Ok Ma Ill be over. I miss yall, its been a min

His Mama: Yes it has baby. Im finna start cookin tho, see ya later son. Love ya!

Jay: Aight love you too Ma.

Cant wait to eat a home-cooked meal. Its been a min since I ate some real food and seen the fam. Let me get ready.

(Scene Change)


I got one off day and I don't wanna do anything but lay around. Im so lazy. *flips through channels*

TRL person: Heres Jay Z

Jay Z huh? Let me see what this is about. Hey I kinda like this song...and that Jay Z aint bad lookin, haha. He got swag too. *Kelly walks in*

Kelly: Hey Bey me and Chelle goin shoppin wanna come?

Beyonce: naw ima jus be lazy, im tired

Kelly: mhm...*looks at tv* damn who dat?

Beyonce: Jay Z

Kelly: mmm them lips

Bey: lol ikr

(Time passes, Jay goes to his moms and eats dinner and enjoys the family time. Kelly and Michelle shop. Beyonce lays in bed watching tv.)

Mathew: Girls! Come down *the girls run downstairs* Hey I got good news and bad news.

Beyonce: I know its work, but what now?

Mathew: Ill give the bad news first, we gotta be in the studio early in the morning.

Kelly: Ok cool, what time?

Beyonce: ugh everybodys not a morning person Kelly

Mathew: *laughs* no later than 9

Beyonce: *with attitude* and the good news?

Mathew: We going to the Billboard Awards!!! Yall been nominated!

Girls: omg wow

Ma Tina: Wats all the racket?

Girls: We goin to the BB Awards. We got nominated!!!

MT: awww im so happy for yall, that hard work payin off

(More time passes and they're backstage getting ready for the BB Awards)

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