Ooh shit part 2

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Oh Shit Part 2....

(They take Beyonce to the hospital. The pain has eased a little, but its still excrutiating. The family is waiting in the waiting room.)

Doctor: Ms. Knowles, what were you doing when the pain came?

Bey: I was sleep

Doctor: Have you been doing any strenuous activity lately?

Bey: No sir. The most I've done is fly back and forth to New York twice a month.

Doctor: That could be the problem. We are gonna have a look and see whats going on and go from there.

Bey: Ok, but can you hurry. This shit hurts.

Doctor: *laughs* ok *grabs gloves and looks in her cooch* Just as I thought *yells to nurse* Sandra! Prep for a C-Section. We gotta this baby out!

Bey: *pops her head up* WHAT!? Im only 7 months.

Doctor: I know Ms. Knowles. We have to get this baby out though. You have what we call a placental abruption. Do you know what that is?

Bey: *tearing up* yes I read about it. Is my baby hurt?

Doctor: No, because you came right to the hospital. Nurse Sandra is going to set you up on an IV and take you to the surgery room so we can get this started. I am going to go prep myself.

Nurse Sandra: This may pinch a little *puts in the IV*

Doctor: You can have one family member back here with you. Which one would you like for me to get?

Bey: *crying softly* Between my mom and boyfriend. Let them choose.

(Bey is prepped for the C-Section and is heavily sedated. The doctor is on his way to the surgery room with Jay. MT decided it would be best for Jay to go......4 hours later, Shawn Corey Carter Jr. was born prematurely.)

Jay: *crying* Omg he is so little

Doctor: *smacks the baby butt and makes him cry* well, he is premature Mr. Carter

Jay: Is he gonna be ok since he is?

Doctor: He will be just fine. *gives nurse the baby so they can clean him* He is a very healthy baby to be premature. He is so healthy that he almost as healthy as a natural born baby.

Jay: Thank God *wipes eyes*

Nurse: You want to hold him?

Jay: Yes please! *gets baby* Omg, hey little man. Im our Daddy. That's Mommy. She's out of it right now. *baby starts crying* Whats wrong little man? Daddy got you.

Nurse: Mr. Carter let me take him and put him some clothes on and feed him.

Jay: Can I feed him?

Nurse: Yes, we will let you feed him after we get Ms. Knowles in a room.

Jay: *smiles* ok

(The take Bey to a room and Jay follows. They made sure the baby's vitals, heart, vision, and stuff like that were normal, then gave Jr to Jay so he can feed them. The doctor went to get the rest of the family.)

Jay: aw man you can eat? *whispers* just like ya mama

Bey: *weak voice* I heard that

Jay: Hey baby. You ok?

Bey: yea, im fine...bring him here, I wanna see him

Jay: *gets up and walks to Bey* He's beautiful.

Bey: He must look like me then *chuckles*

Jay: haha real funny

*Family walks in*

Solo: Omg, he is so little. Let me see. Let me see.

Jay: *shows him to them* Handsome huh?

Solo: Yep, he looks like Bey

MT & Mat: *laughs* awwwww look at him

Jay: *side-eyes them all* yall gone get enough of messin with me

Solo: stop being sensitive *laughs*

MT: Hey baby, u ok?

Bey: yea im good. Just high *they laugh*

Jay: awww he sleep

Nurse: *walks in* Hi, everyone. Mr Carter, we have to take him to the nursery.

Jay: How long does he have to stay?

Nurse: You can get him right back. We have to make sure his fluids are ok. Since he is premature, he has to have a lot more than other babies. Would you like for him to stay in here tonight?

Bey & Jay: YES!!

Nurse: *giggles* ok, we'll get him a bed made up and bring it in here when we bring him back.

Bey: thank you

Nurse: One more thing, are you gonna breastfeed?

Bey: ummm idk yet

Nurse: Well let me know later so I can show you what to do.

Bey: ok thanks

(The family all sits around laughing and talking and gushing about how cute and little he is. They mess Bey a little cuz she high as hell off that medicine and she saying crazy stuff......a week and a half later, they let Bey come home with Jr. The baby is sleep and everyone else is in the living room talking and stuff.)

Jay: Well, since we are all here. I would like to say something.

Bey: What is it baby? Something wrong?

Jay: No, I just wanted to ask you a question in front of Mama and Mathew. I need their approval as well as yours.

Solo: Stop beating around the bush fool ask us the question. Omg, are you gonna propose?

MT: Solange, shut up. He aint even talkin to you.

Jay: *laughs* No not yet Solo. *looks at Bey and smiles*.......Well, I know that Houston is yall home and Im sure yall want the baby to be raised here, but I think Bey and Jr should move to New York with me.

Mat: awwwww hell n...

Bey: *interrupts* Dad, don't start. * to Jay* Baby, I was thinking the same thing. We need to be close so that we can be a family...

Jay: *hugs and kisses her* So its settled. When you heal completely, we will move you and Jr to New York.

Mathew: *stands up, mad* And to think I actually started to believe you when you said you wouldn't take my daughter away from me. Fuck you! *storm off*

Jay: Mathew, Im not.....

MT: Don't worry about him. Ill handle it. *follows Mathew*

Solo: *starts crying* You leavin me Thu?

Bey: Stop crying sis. Its for the best. Me, Jay, and Jr are a family now.

Solo: We family too. *keeps crying*

Bey: I know. One day you'll understand. *hugs her* Besides, it'll be another 5 or 6 weeks before I can go anywhere. And at any given time, you can call and Ill get you a flight to NY. Right Jay?

Jay: Yea, yall are always welcome to the crib lil sis. Cheer up.

(Solo calmed down. Mathew calmed down a little. Everybody is all good again. MT starts dinner while Solo, Bey, and Jay watch movies.)

Jay: *hears noise* Baby, you hear something?

Bey: No, what it sound like?

Jay: Idk. Like whining or crying or something.

Bey: O shit. The baby! (Lord they forgot they had a baby upstairs lol smh)

Jay: O shit.....

Read, Enjoy, and please Comment :-)

~kingbey 👑👸💋

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