Your pissing me off

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You're Pissing Me Off!...
Daniel: *still happy* Yes sir, Mr Knowles!

Solange: *scared as hell* yes sir

Mat: Is this true or are you trying to play a joke on us? You better say it's a joke.

MT: Mathew don't start. Calm down baby before you get too mad, and you know what happens when you get that way.

Mat: Im fine Tina. Im not mad at all.

MT: Mathew I know you. Stop lying! This is a joyous day, let it stay that way.

Mat: Ok Tina. Solange, answer my question.

(Annie and MG decided to go to the kitchen and check on the food. They didn't have anything to do with this anyway. They took Jr with them because they knew this wouldn't be a good scene.)

Solange: *in a shaky, low voice* Yes Daddy its true

Mat: *stands up* Well *heads towards the door*

MT: *follows* Mathew where are you going?

Mat: Don't worry about it Tina. I'll be back. *slams the door in her face*

MT: *walks back in the living room and sees Solo crying* Its ok Solange. Stop crying.

Solo: *crying* He hates me

MT: He does not. Remember how he was with Beyonce. He'll come around.

Beyonce: *hugs her* Yea Solange, he'll come around. And remember he was WAY worse when he found out about Jr. He tried to kill Jay.

MT: That's true. Calm down Solo.

Daniel: *looking worried* Did I do something wrong?

MT: Naw honey, don't worry about it. Everything will be fine.

Daniel: You sure?

MT: Im sure.

Jay: *to Bey* You ok baby?

Bey: Yea Im fine. I know Solo isn't fine. I hope Daddy comes around.

Jay: He will baby. Don't worry. Everything we be fine. He's gonna back calmed down and they'll talk. Just like he did with me.

Bey: I hope so *looks down*

Jay: I know he will babe *pulls her face up and kisses her*

(They all talk for about 2 hours and Solo is calm now. Her, Bey, and the other girls went upstairs to talk. They are walking downstairs and Bey was talking...)

Bey: On the bright side, at least we know his anger management classes are working because he just walked away without flipping out.

(Just as Beyonce said that, Mathew came in the house, slammed the door, and went behind Daniel and held a knife to his neck.)

Mat: So you get my baby pregnant and think I'm gone let you get away with?!

MT: Oh Jesus. MATHEW STOP RIGHT NOW! *tries to grabs his arms and loosen his grip*

Mat: *shoves her out the way* Move Tina!

MT: *getting up* Mathew stop this!

Kelly, Chelle, and Angie: OMG!

Beyonce: Oh shit. Daddy stop.

Jay: *trying to calm him down* Mr Knowles let him go. Remember how we did? Yall can talk this out.

Mat: Fuck that. That's my baby. *tightens his grip*

Daniel: *in a faint voice* I cant breathe

Mat: Shut the fuck up. You really aint gone breathe when I slit your fuckin throat

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