Orion and the Moon

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Orion and the Moon

Orion has your tongue turned silver,
You have sworn thy love upon a forgotten heart of stone,
This passion this love for her is all but nigh as forsworn in vain,
Oh hunter of the stars she will never be yours to adore,
Luna is enchanting in fractured light but has an ever changing intoned essence,
Lovers forswear upon her yet you have forsworn to her,
Luna firstborn daughter of the earth's children,
You who adores the night hours embracing its gentle solitude,
How shall thy respond to such a beseechment in the heavens,
Shall you find his love to be pure like the light you atone,
Or is it tainted desire that ends all for nigh,
Orion firstborn son of the constellations,
You whose body of stars are scattered across the heavens,
Orion you have vowed with your heart of blue fire,
You have have vowed to her heart of ice,
Your stardust words land upon her cratered and scarred being,
Like a symphony words leave your lips to grace her ears,
Luna beautiful Luna your very soul seems moved,
Woe to these celestial bodies for embrace they shall not,
The son of fire and the daughter of ice are entitled for solitude,
Perhaps that is why Orion you long for your Luna,
Only through the hand of God might you come together,
Oh how you both weep longing to break your celestial chains,
That Orion might have his beloved moon.

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