Chapter 5

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Well hello theree ;) Thanks to many people this story is going to be AMAZEBALLS!! Omd im getting excited whilst waiting for it wooow! Aha stay amazing y'all :') my fishes xx




Najmaa xo





Bushra -

Pain flicked up my arm as they tightened the string on my hand. I was in a dark room in an unkown place. The car journey was so long. I doubted that I'd ever be found. Tears fell slowly down my cheeks as i watched them fall on my lap.

"Awww are you crying. Do you need a tissue or a hug" teased Charlotte smirking at me, her straight white teeth shining in my face causing me to squint. Kaia stood behind her unsure of what to do. I looked at her pleadingly wishing she could understand. Our eyes connected but she swiftly looked aware. I couldve sworn she had guilt in her eyes.

Kaia - Guilt? No I must be dreaming. Kaia is just a copy of Charlotte, exactly the same. Heartless, Careless and Evil. Plain evil. My tears continued to roll down tickling my cheek knowing i couldnt wipe my tears away. Why me? Ya Allah, what did I do to deserve this? My mind was clouding as they turned away leaving only the echoing footsteps with me. As I heard them drift into the distance I heard a clasp ofa closing door and a lock being turned. I was trapped. Again.


"Ya Haywaan, get in there! You disgust me so much! What did I ever do to deserve you? I would do anything ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to rewind back in time and not create you. Ya Allah take this piece of filth away from me!"

I squirmed, squashing myself into the tiny dark room. Pain firing up my back where my dad whipped me with his belt. 

"Dont you DARE come out from here or you'll be sorry!"

i heard him lock the door. I knew I'd not be let out for minimum of three days without food or water. I laid my head onto the urine covered floor knowing crying wont do anything for me. I lay there emotionless.

What killed me the most was that my mum did nothing. Nothing at all. I closed my eyes dreading what tomorrow would bring me

*End of Flashback





Ruqiyah -

I woke up to the smell of medicines and bright flashing light. Where was I? Then I remembered being taken away in an ambulace car

I wonder what happened to Adam, Sheikh and Bushra. As i thought to my self, a very depressed looking Sheikh walked into my room Adam trailing behind him with a worried look on his face. The air around us was tense and i knew something was wrong. 

I sat my self up on my bed, feeling a bit light headed. I looked worriedly at Adam and Sheikh as they shifted nervously on the face looking at everywhere apart from me.

I swallowed a lump forming in my throat.

"Um..m... what happened" I asked nervously waiting for the answer that I knew was going to be bad.

Adam Adam's Apple moved up and down as he brought his eyes to mine. I always admired his eyes, so dark and rich. 

"Oh.... it's somthing about Bushra" he says hesitantly

Sheikh winces at the mention of her name not looking up as Adam continued talking.

"She was um.... dragged into an alleyway after she erm... got out of the p..police car"

Too many feelings was swimming in my head and questions where forming exploding in my head.

" she okay? Where is she now? Where did they take her? Who took her?..." I blurted questions after questions not giving Adam the chance to answer any of them.

He ran his hand through his gold highlighted hair which I thought ws beauiful.

"Give me a chance to answer them" he interrupted me.

"We believe that Chantelle and Kaia took her away but we're not sure. W..we dont know if she's okay. All that was there was a little note when Sheikh went after her realising she was kinda... kidnapped"

I didnt realise i was crying until a tear fell down my cheeks. I was too numb to feel any emotions. Lots of feelings from pain to anger just swam inside me taking control over me.

My best friend was missing.

What did I do to deserve this?





Sheikh -


Pain is all i ould feel. My heart was broken. I wasnt there for Bushra. Why me? 

I stared at the white tiled floor not daring to look at Ruqiyah. My heart was breaking bit by bit inside my heart. Why did I feel like this? I did not know.

This pain was killing and eating me alive inside. 

Why oh why did this happen to me.







Coooeeeeee <3 

*American accent* Hey y'all sexy people, najma is hereee <3

and anywayss short i know, i'll try to make them longer insha'allah xx 

ily x

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