Chapter 6

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Bushra -

Light shone in ,my face, blinding me. I swiftly turned in spite of getting out of the light pain flicking up my sore neck. I didnt see light for a week. Neither did I eat food. My stomach acid eating the inside of me, hunger growling making me feel faint. Distant shoe taps were starting to get louder and louder moving towards me. 

"Well look who it is, the slut" a voice sneered.

I winced at her choices of words not knowing that it would've hit me hard.

"Aww, you cant accept the fact that you're a slut do you?"

My throat was dry and croaky and i was finding it difficult to speak. Ya Allah help me.

"Its a shame no one really cares for you, no one even tried to come looking for you. No even.... whats his name again.... aah yes Sheikh" 

My eyes snapped into contact with the face I never hoped to see at the mention of Sheikh's name. She continued staring into my eyes as a small smirk rose on her face

"Yes, he didnt even bother. This shows that no one, not your socalled best friend, not the love of your life, not your parents or anyone care for you. Whats the point of you when your not wanted on this world" 

She, Charlotte, the thing that destroyed me, sniffled her nose in disgust.

"Why dont I just kill you? Argh law calls, I cant" she mocked a sad face but i could still see that glimmer of laugh in her eyes. 

"What do you even see in Sheikh? I've always wondered. He's not paticularly handsome, he's not fun he doesnt even party. Like whats so special about him? Eww you both suit since you're both ugly and both just retards"

Anger started building up inside me as she carried on talking about Sheikh.

"But I bet he's partying, drinking wine at the moment dancing with every girl he sets his eyes on"

Thats when I couldnt keep silent anymore

"You know w-hat Sheikh is amazing and miles better than every man you slept with. He has more respect than any other human being. He is just pe-"

I felt myself fall onto the floor, blood gashing from a cut above my eyebrow. I felt the blood dribbly over my sore, dry and cracked lips. 

"That'll teach you to reply to me you piece of shit" smirked Charlotte.

"Oh how I want to kill you so bad, you have no idea" She looked into my eyes with hate and disgust.

Wondering why i was pulled into darkness.





Sheikh -

I finally dragged myself of the bed. I walked hesitantly up to the mirror afraid of what I would face. I stared at myself in the mirror observing my body. Dark circles were ringed under my eyes making it as though i had a black eye. I had scars all over my self when I attempted to commit suicide but realising it was haram, I stood back from it asking Allah for forgiveness.

I suddenly sunk to the floor tears flooding my eyes for which seemed like the 100th time tonight. 

I felt destroyed.

I felt weakened.

I felt dead.

I felt that I couldnt go on anymore.

I sunk into the floor even further wishing the floor would just open up and eat me. What I hated the most was knowing I could do nothing. The police simply gave up believing that she died. However I knew that Bushra was still out there holding on. I knew she was because she is a strong girl. 

Pain ate away inside me as memories flashed in my head of Bushra.

It was the fear of not knowing if she was alive that pained me the most

I was starting to give up.





Adam -

I didnt know what to do. 

Sheikh was locked in his room not replying to my texts or picking up his phone. He was depressed and there was nothing I could do. Ruqiyah was somewhat ignoring me. She still came to school but her eyes were puffy and i knew almost instantly she had been crying... everyday. At one time I grabbed her arm and swivelled her around to face me, or hijab spinning. She jerked me out of the way and hissed at me, never to touch her again. The phrase that hurt me the most was, "I never want to see you... again"

I sighed as I walked over the beach remembering when me and Sheikh were being silly taking photos for the daily vlogs which we stopped doing. I hoped my fans would understand. My Adoomies always did. 

I slipped my phone out of my back pocket and quikly signed into twitter scanning through the tweets people have been sending me. They were all so worried since I didnt tweet for a week.... a week since Bushra was gone. I decided to make them smile by randomly following people or DMing people. It felt nice to do this. Lastly i finally tweeted.

"You guys are my everything .... well apart from my family :D"

In two seconds my mentions were burning and with a smile on my face I slipped my phone back into my back pocket and looked out into the horizan. I knew tomorrow would be a different day.

Tomorrow, I will search for Bushra and find her whatever it takes to see Sheikh smile again.

I closed my eyes and prayed to Allah to support me through this.

I opened my eyes and I knew this was it.






Heeeey and here you go 6th chapter is up and running. Well its not technically running cos that impossible but yes :) Story is going to get more tense but thats all im going to tell you ;)

If you have any ideas for the story or whatever, please dont hesitate to tweet me ---> @proudadooshie 

Dont worry, i dont bite xx

Stay  safe  and enjoy 

-Najma ox

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