Chapter 3

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Authors Note

Heyoooooooo ;) I know this took bare long to upload but lifes been tough and since im wide awake with nothing to do....... IM WRITING CHAPPIEE 3!!! Ahaaa hope you guys like it.  Keep smiling and stay beautiful/handsome.

PEACE - Najma





Adam -

What was wrong with her? 2 seconds ago she was smilng and i catually finally thought she had come over the fear off talking to me. Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach. Oh im probably hungry thats all. Need to go and eat Aseed (arabic type of food) Why did she walk out so abruptly? What was written on the paper? I tried writing and concentrating on what the teacher was saying. I started writing but my hand was shaking and all i could do was a scribble. I couldnt take it anymore. I hate when a person so innocent so.... so.... beautiful get so upset. And the reason i did not know. I was deciding on what to do when Mrs Sandle called for me to answer a question.

"So Adam, what is the reason why Charlette Bronte wanted to portray Jane as a young child who was hated on but grew up to become a teacher and instead loved by everyone, even by her own hateful aunt?"

I was so distracted I dont even know how i answered. Thoughts and feelings were flushing into my head like a huge tide coming in.

"What is wrong with her? I have to find out! She was starting to get confid-"


My head snapped up in realising that what i thought i said, i said it out loud.

"Oh..... um..... sorry miss...... i dont know the answer......"

"Well nextime you have to listen" Mrs Sandle said as she shaked her head.

I had to talk to Sheikh. He was the more calmer person and knew what to d in these kind of situations when i stress out. This was one of the main reasons i admire Sheikh, he may be younger than me but hes more mature than me. I smile to myself thinking i will forever love Sheikh, and without him I'd probably living in the dump. I try to sneakly take out my phone but Mrs Sandle's big circle eyes seemed to spot a shiny glimmering blue iphone coming out of my pocket. Two seconds later she's infront of me with a laughing glimmer in her eyes teasing me.

"Adam" she shakes her head."I thought you'd do better, guess i was wrong"

She stretches her hand out in order to confiscate my phone. Wondering if she's okay in the head i ask stupidly, "Why you stretching your hand out miss"

She gave me the most deadliest glare i have ever seen.

"You know very well that you are not allowed to take your phone out.I dont care if this is college. Rules apply to everyone here"

She empathised on 'everyone' giving me the most harshest look, that i actually winced.

"Im afraid not miss, i cant give you my phone. Please do not take this wrongly, but i have a valid reason in which i cannot expose" 

I almost laughed at my own formality. Wow i sound so weird. 

"Well i will not except this! Go outside now!"

Someone had a quick temper, reminds me of Sheikh. He loses his temper so quick i cant even explain. I quickly get up of my seat, not being aware that a girls feet were in the way, i trip of them but gain my composure as i hear sniggers from everyone in my class. I start blushing, but hide it by bending down to tie my shoelaces. My signature move. 

"Oop, im sorry about that, guess i simply wasnt watching where my feet was" The girl said. I look up to see her smirking and know that she had done it by purpose. Ya Allah, girls can be such annoying people sometimes. Her face looked very familiar and realised that she was the one who threw the paper at Ruqiyah. Hatred and fury flew through me. I managed to give her my most dirtiest look. I now hated even looking at her. Hearing her voice.

Her, Charlotte.

As i stormed out chatter filled behind me but one sentence grabbed my attention,

"They are all the same, bloody muslims"





Charlotte -


Get her!!! Pull her hair!! AllahuAkbar!!

I ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me but they were two fast for me. My feet caught a rock and I tumbled forward, falling face first. I felt blood trickle down my face from the gash in my forhead formed by a rock thrown at me. As thy emerged all i could see was faces of 5,6,7...8 girls standing over me with grins on their face. I tried to scream but nothing came out. My time has come to an end. I closed my eyes and let all the good memories flash into my head before the end of my time has come. I imagined what life would be as i was pulled into darkness. What did i do to deserve this?

What did I do?





Bushra -

I was starting to get worried. I hadnt seen Ruqiyah the whole day and i even managed to call her during my english lesson but she wasnt picking up. At lunchtime i decided instead of going to get my food, i try to find Ruqs. I searched everywhere but i was starting to think that she went home because she was ill. There was no way to find out until i went home. My heart was crumbling as the minutes past. My best friend was missing and i had no clue where she was. 

"Errrmmm excuse me are you umm Ruqiyah's friend?" Someone asked me.

My head turned at the sound of Ruqiyah's name. As i turned i realised it was Adam that was talking to me. 

"Umm Hi" I forcefully smiled, "And no i dont know where she is, i even tried calling her but she's not picking up. I.....I dont know where she is"

My voice started breaking and a lump formed in my throat enabling me not to talk. I hated when i got so emotional like this. I fell like a non speaking seal who can only squeak. I tried to swallow the lump down. I mightve aswell been called the retarded looking thing who cannot speak. 

He looked at me with worry in his eyes. I was surprised i wouldnt think that he was also the emotional kind. I nearly laughed but i composed myself.

"She was in my english when what are they called, Charlette and is it Kaia?" He said.

Hatred flushed through me. What did they want from her. "Yeah" I said my voice filled with anger.

"They threw something like a paper her, she opened it and she went white and left the room. I didnt see her after"

His brown eyes were a mixture of fury and worry. 

"Guys!!" I heard someone shout. Both me and Adam's head whipped around at the sound of the voice and i could see Sheikh running towards us.

"I just saw is it Ruqiyah just walking out of the school towards the canal, I dont know what she was doing but she seemed pale and zoned out" He said breathlessly.

My heart fell and shattered into million of pieces. She was my friend since kindergarden. She was there for me but i was not.

What had I done?

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