Chapter 9

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hello beautiful people xx New name. New cover. 

Hope you guys like it xx

Didn't update for a very long time bc I was stressed out with stuff and exams x

I'll try updating quicker xx Love all your comments xx 

And I'm thinking of starting a new book hmm x (not a fanfic)

Make sure to vote and vote and hmm how about vote ;)

if you wish to talk then i am available on twitter - @proudadoohie nearly 24hrs XD

Nuff love <3


Bushra -

I shivered under the thin layer of what i would call my duvet. A number of bruises on my back from the way i've been sleeping and the cut above my eyebrow as huge as a ball. I sighed knowing that is was infected  and there was nothing i could do about it. A new cut was displayed on my cheek from where Charlotte dragged a sharp nail across it. I winced memories flooding as i let out that heart aching scream as excrutiating pain overtook me. I never knew anyone could be so malevolent. Naimah's smirk still clear in my mind alongside Karim's light hazel eyes as i remember looking deep into them. If only he could feel my pain. If only he knew how badly it hurt knowing these physical damage would happen sporadically. If only he could look into my eyes and know i mean no harm. A tear trickled down my dirty face as I wondered what my future would be like. My stomach screamed for food and I raised my finger to my mouth, biting the skin so hard some of the flesh was removed. This was my only form of food i have been living off for two weeks now. I was the only form of food i had. My fingers were bloody and sore and I  knew it would be about timeit would get infected. Everytime i placed my hand onto my stomach, I could feel my ribcages hard and i knew i was ging under anorexia. I rose my hand to wipe away the tear and winced silently as the salty water touch the tip of my fingers where it was mostly sore and red.

I was simply givving up.

I no longer had any strength.

I no longer had any hope.

What was the point of living?

The door was silently opened and footsteps silently proceeded into the room. I had no energy to turn around and see who it was but i was feeling sure it was Charlotte and I knew wha would come next. I closed my eyes and waited patiently for the hit to come but surprisingly it didnt. I heard a silent clank next to me and i slightly jumped as a hand was placed on my shoulder squeezing it... encouragingly? The footsteps receeded and the door was silently closed locking me back into my jail. I tried painfully to turn around and i nearly cried in happiness as in front of me was food and water. As I slowly reached to get the plate tears were streaming down my face and in what seemed like two years i smiled. If only i had the strength to turn around and see who it was. II hastily scoffed down the food but halfway into my heaven i realised i probably wouldnt get another plate of food for eternity. I sipped the water deicately and i placed them both to my right. My mouth drooling and craving for more. I tried so hard but two minutes later the plate was licked clean an not a drip of water could be found in the cup. As i looked down at the plate dread filled meknowing i should've saved some food for later but my mind, my conscious was yelling at me to eat the food and  simply gave in. I shook my head at how debilitated i was.

 As time slowly ticked by, i was sucked into the good days with me and Ruqiyah before this calamitous event occured. I smiled as the memories flooded me and closed my eyes falling asleep, a new world opening in my dream for me.

*flash back*

"Stop it Bush!!" whined Ruqiyah as she his behind her cream coloured hijab blushing slightly. 

"I do not like him gosh!!" 

"Ruqs!!" i equally whined sarcastically. "Stop lying to yourself, me and the world" i laughed as she smacked me half heartily on the arm.

"Nearly everyone knows, stop denying it love" 

She glared at me but i brushed her off as i reached over and snatched her diary and ran away with it.

"BUSHRA HASSAN I WILL COME AND STAB YOU SO HARD YOU WILL DIE!!! GIVE ME BACK MY DIARYYY!!!!!" She screeched as i sprinted down the hallway into the bathroom locking it.

I put down the toilet seat and opened her diary and started reading it locking Ruqiyah's screams out as i chuckled.

"Thursday 15th October 2013

Todays been an amazing day. Bushra has been lovely and everything. Im so happy to have a friend like hers alhamdulilah. But today i did something i will forever regret. Oh my page is getting all watery now gosh im such a crybaby.

Today was the day i cut myself. I was so stupid, unthinking and stupid. How could anyone be able to do this. I was sitting in the bathroom letting all my worries, stresses cloud me and all the text messages i have been getting. 

"You will soon die Ruqiyah. You stupid stinking slutty whore. You cover yourself to cover your ugliness but you forgot your face, thats the worse."

They were all from anonymous numbers but i had a clear idea who that would be. Charlotte. As i was sitting on the toilet seat at the corner of my eyes i spotted the razor. I couldnt stop myself. The next thing i find is blood drippling down my arm and i was sitting there shock clear on my face. Pain flicking up my arm. Everytime i saw my arm i would shake my head knowing how unnormal stupid thing i am. I cant tell Bushra. Her heart will break and there is nothing i would be able to do. I am an awful person such an ungrateful bitch.

Hopefully the rest of my week will be great."

The page was now full with fresh salty tears and i shakily stood up and opened the door to find Ruqiyah sitting there with blood shot red eyes.

"Why?" i simply asked dreading for the answer.

*end of flashback*

I woke up sweat stuck on my head dribbling slowly down the sides of my face. That was one day that would never leave my mind.

Suddenly the door was slammed open and light hit into the room and i winced at the sound. 

"Guess whose back?" asked the voice i never wanted to hear again.

Pain fired up my hip as she kicked me in the side.

"I asked a question dog" she hissed.

I looked up into the sky and begged Allah.

"When will this stop? Will it even stop?"

Only Allah knows.


Just wanted to ask you guys what you think of the cover and name.

'Their Smiles' didnt seem to fit in with the story because this is a kind of depressing dark story xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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