Chapter 1

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Be mine... Forever

Komaeda's POV:

Hinata and I were sitting at a table in the dining room. We were doing our homework together. Hinata and I had been close friends ever since first grade. But over the past few months, I started feeling something else whenever I was around him. Something stronger than friendship. In the beginning, I just ignored it, whatever that weird feeling was. But after I while I started to realise what it was that I felt, it was love.

Ever since that day I knew I was in love with him, I couldn't think of anything else. I was only able to think of Hinata and how I wanted to be together with him forever. I often couldn't concentrate on my work. This time was no different.

"Hey Komaeda! Earth to Komaedaaa!" Hinata yelled as he waved his hand in front of my eyes. I blinked a few times and then looked at Hinata.

"Yes Hinata-kun?" I asked.

"I was asking you if you knew the answer to this question. I really don't get what they mean with this..." He sighed. I leaned over to look at the question and helped him figuring out the answer. I explained some of the rules to him again and in the end, he understood everything again.

"Thanks Komaeda." He said as he smiled. I smiled back. God he looked so cute with that smile...

"Can we take a break from homework for a minute? I'm a bit thirsty." Hinata offered.

"Oh yeah, good idea. I'm a bit thirsty as well."

He nodded and walked to the kitchen. A few moments later he came out again with two glasses orange juice.

"Here you go~" He said as he handed me a glass.

"Don't you drink orange juice a bit too often Hinata-kun?" I laughed.

"What? No! You can never drink too much orange juice!" He exclaimed as he quickly drank his orange juice. I just laughed again and drank mine too.

We chatted for a bit and got back to our homework again. We helped each other and got through it pretty quickly.

"Phew, that's done!" Hinata said.

"Haha yeah. So uhmm, Hinata-kun? Are you going to stay for a bit longer or are you heading home?" I asked.

"I'd love to stay longer but I promised my mom to help her cook dinner so I have to go now." He said. I looked a bit disappointed, I wanted him to stay here longer.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong Komaeda?" He asked.

"Huh? O-Oh no, it's nothing. I hope you have fun cooking!" I said.

"Yeah... I'm not really looking forward to it but thanks." He said as he put on his shoes and jacket and walked out of the front door.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" He waved goodbye and walked away.

"Bye!" I said, closing the door. I sighed and walked to the kitchen to make dinner for myself. I really wished he'd stay a bit longer. It's not that I don't like being alone, I'm used to being alone, but being without Hinata-kun was terrible. Whenever he left I felt my heart aching. I can't be without him... I need him... And he needs me too, even though he doesn't know that yet.




"ahahAHAHAHAHAA~ Yes, that's it! If I don't want him to leave me I'll just have to make sure he CAN'T leave! It's the perfect plan~ Next time he comes over here, I'll lock him up in my room, and we'll be together FOREVER!"

Suddenly I started to feel really dizzy. My head started to ache and I fell on the ground.

"Wh-What just happened? What am I thinking? I can't lock up Hinata-kun!"

I groaned as I tried to stand up again.

I'm starting to act weird again... I better just go to bed early and forget about all of this...

I walked upstairs and opened the door to my room. I put off my hoodie and dropped it on the ground. I pulled off my jeans as well and threw them randomly throw the room. I dropped myself on my bed and pulled the sheet over my head as I immediately drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.

Hinata's POV:

I came home and opened the front door. I walked into the hallway, put my bag on the ground and placed my shoes next to it. I opened the door to the kitchen and saw that my mum was already busy preparing dinner.

"Hi mum." I greeted as I walked over to the sink and washed my hands.

"Hi darling, how did today go?" She asked.

"It was fine, I did my homework with Komaeda so that was fun I guess." I said. "Is there something I can help with?" I asked.

"Yes, can you cut the vegetables for me?" She asked. I nodded and started chopping the carrots. We both remained quiet for a while.

"Hey, Hajime. Uhm... how do I say this... I know you and Komaeda are good friends and all but..."

"But what?" I asked.

"Well, I just want you to be a bit cautious around him, okay?" She said, as she turned her attention back to preparing dinner.

"What? Why?" I exclaimed. I was a bit confused, why would I have to be cautious around Komaeda? I mean, yes, he's a bit strange sometimes. Some people would call him insane, but he's often misunderstood. He never means any harm, that's just the way he is. And I think that side of him is pretty cute too...

"It's just that, the last time he came over he acted... off. The way he acted gave me a feeling like he was up to something. Now I might be completely wrong, I know, but I just want you to be safe. So please just be a little cautious around him." She said. I sighed.


We both continued making dinner and a little while later it was finished. We placed everything on the dining table and sat down to eat.

Komaeda's POV:

I woke up with a scream. My forehead was covered in sweat. I quickly got up and stood up to turn on the lights but I tripped over the edge of my bed and crashed with my head against the wall. I groaned and rubbed the sore spot on my head.

"Uhg.. best way to wake up ever..." I grumbled.

Why did I wake up that suddenly? Did I have a nightmare? Then, why can't I remember it? I slowly got up again and walked to the bathroom to check if I needed to bandage my head or something. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 2 am. I sighed. I got to the bathroom and turned on the lights. I looked in the mirror. The left side of my head was dripping with pink blood. My hair was stained with it and it dripped on my shirt. I sighed and turned on the tap. I put my head in the stream of warm water and washed the blood off my head. Once I was done with that I grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around my head.

"My extreme bad luck sucks... Well, I guess something good will happen later on then, right?"

I turned off the lights again and headed back to my room. I pulled the sheets over myself and immediately went back to sleep.

Be mine... Forever (KomaHina)Where stories live. Discover now