Love vs. Hate

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Hey . Sorry im takin long to upload . Anywaysss this chapter wont be too long sorry : ( . Say Zaaaammmnnnn Zaaaaddyyyyy You Got That Ziiiinnnnooooo Ziiiccckkkkk really loud when nobodys around ----> lol : P .

Read my new book Party Animals *Mindless Behavior Story* ! Kay thanks .


Lin: *Knocks over all the stuff on Prodigys dresser* Ugh I HATE HIM !

Talia(imma juss say tee dammit): calm down lin , tell us what happened.

Lin: He , he came home , then *sniffles* he smelled like weed nd so i asked him about it nd what he was doing - *sniffle* then he said how nobody cared before so why should we now nd then i told hin to check his fuckin attitude *sniffle* and i rlly started to get heated so i told him Tati was gone and we know he is hurting but he had to get the fuck over it *sniffle* and , and he called me a bitch and we started choking each other till tee came in. *sniffle*

Jaz: well damn .

Autumn: wowww. Thats...heavy.

Lin: well its his fault right ?!??! All i ever do is care and he wont let me love him or care about him! Im right !!! RIGHT?!?!?

Zee: honestly Lin, you were both in the wrong . He ahouldnt have called you a bitch or actrd so rude if you were trying to show that you care....BUT you were wrong for bringing up Tati . That was a really touchy issue that we all know he hasnt gotten over yet and you triggered something in him . If i were you , i would honestly apoligize to him , you may both be wrong , but you took it kinda far.

Lin: ughh ! I doubt he will talk to me anymore . He is so stubborn .

Autumn: okay , well goodnight . Uhh , feel better ? I guess .

Jaz: yea nite.

Zee: sleep tight

Tee: dont let the bedbugs bite .

Lin: *sadly* i wont.

Lin thoughts: ughhh im so mad at myself now . I did take it far bringin up Tati . I know he still loves her and all but the feelings that i have for him will never leave and every time i try to show hin that i care nd i wanna be tere for him, he pushes me away. I guess ill try to apoligize and maybe he wont be so mad...or maybe he will.


Ray: Jaz?

Jaz: what?

Ray: you still mad ?

Jaz: hmmm , idk well my ex boyfriend....notcie how i said ex , was Already in a relaionship with a phsyco killer bipolar ass bitch while him and i were in a relationship so yea...IM MAD!

ray: look please dont be though! I only never broke up with her because she threatened to kill me if i did and as you can see *points to arm* she already did when she saw you. I didnt mean for you to get upset about it !

Jaz: *thinks about it for a min and pretends to kinda be upset even though she forgives him* well you couldve at keast told me about her instead of lettin me find out like this !

Ray: your right , im sorry .

jaz: yea i know im right.

Ray: -_________-

Jaz: but i forgive you *kisses*

ray:*smiles nd kisses back*


Roc: so Zeeeeeeee -----> : )

Zee: yeshhhh Roocccccc

Roc: when you gonna let me hit ?

Zee: *fake yawns* damn im tired ! Goodnight bae *turns off light*

roc: *turns on light* so answer the question

Zee: umm, *starts to look a little nervous nd tears up* id prefer not to talk about this right now. Can we discuss this another time ?

Roc: ughh , fine !

Zee: goodnight. *faces the other way so he wont see her crying*


Prince: sooo uhh , how you been ?

Autumn: im

Prince: great , great uhhh you okay now?

Autumn: yea im fine.

Prince: thas good. *stares at he lips for a while then kisses her*

autumn: *kisses back then stops* wait umm... You have a girlfriend. And even though i hate te bitch, i aint a home wrecker soo...

Prince: if i had a girlfriend dont you think i would be in a room with her right mow instead ?

Autumn: true. But sorry if i kinda messed up ur relationship ir whatever.

Prince: dont worry bout it. Nya is a selfish stuck up bitch who is probaby only with me because im part of mindless behavior.

Autumn: ohh. Well then.... *kisses him*

prince: *kisses back*

Autumn: *gets on top of princeton nd they start to strip o_O* (A/N- kay you understand where im going with this right ? Right . )


Right about now im sooo done. All i wanna do is get my mind off this shit . Normally i wont put my hands on a girl but lindsey took it too damn far bringin up Tati . Ughh i honestly dont care anymore . Fuck that bitch ! She is dead cuz she was such a hoe ! Maybe she deserved it ! Whatever im sooo done with this mindless behavior shit like my life was never this fucked up ! *takes out iphone nd calls Nya*


Prod: hey nya

Nya: hey baee

Prod: (thoughts: this clingy much?) uhh, i wanna see you girl !

Nya: (thoughts- this nigga think im stupid thoo) i wanna see you too... Where you at.

Prod: *gives her the address to pesos house*

Nya: kay im on my way...but i heard noise earlier what happened?

Prod: uhh..nothin just hurry i wanna see you

Nya: kay bye baby.

Prod: uhh, bye .


Nya: Soo...watchuu wanna do ?

Prod: I have an idea *smirks*

nya: *smiles* what then ?

Prod: take off yo clothes .

Nya: bossy much?? *takes off clothes*

prod: *takes off his clothes*

blah blah blah long story short they fuck without a condom AGAIN !

Short , yes i know

Zaammnnnn zaddyy you got that ziinnnoooo ziiiccckkkkk!!!


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