He's Baaaack !

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Hey Ppl ... I Am Sorry To Inform You That My Parents Are Taking Away All Of My Electronics So I Can't Upload , And They Are Making Me Delete My Account  : (  . Lmaoo April Fool's ! Well My Parents Arent Making Me Delete My Account BUT They Are Taking Away My Electronics So After Today , IDK When's The Next Time I Am Gonna Be Able To Upload  D :    . Sorry ! I'll Try To Make This Chapter Interesting ... And im not good with dates or times so use your imagination ... and i hate writing what ppl are wearing so they are wearing whatever you think theyre wearing ! Read @brandimindless book called the opposite of hate is... ! AND DONT ASK ME TO READ YOUR BOOK ! I CANT READ ALL OF THEM !

Jaz: *looks around and sees the mess* What happened !?!?! Where is Lindsey ??

Zaib: I dont know !

Princeton: Well everyone look around the house or somwthing !


Talia: Where could she be !?!?!

Ray: We have no clue ! Call her !

Roc: *calls and it goes to voicemail* She Didnt answer

Autumn: *starts getting a csared look on her face* OH NO !

Everyone Else: WHAT!?!?

Autumn: No NO NO NO NO ! *starts crying*

Princeton: Babe what !

Autumn: I th-think i know where sh-shee is !

Jaz: Where ?

Autumn: J-J- Justin !

All The Girls: Who?

Autumn: Ummm , he was the last person we saw with Tati . He and her used to fool around and so besides Prodigy , he could have been her unborn babies father too . Honestly *sniffles* , he couldve been the one to kill her .

Ray: Damn .

Prince: Thats why he was asking so many questions that night at the club when we were all mad at each other !

Talia: What if that bum nigga tries to kill Lin too !

Jaz: Nooo not my homie !

Autumn: *starts running upstairs to Nya's room and opens the door*

Nya: *screams and covers herself since her nd Prod werent done gettin it in* 

Prod: The fuck !?!

Autumn: *jumps on top of him and starts hitting him* YOU STUPID BITCH THIS IS ALL YOU FUCKING FAULT !

*everyone runs into ShaNya's room and sees her kicking his ass on the bed*

Prod: GET HER OFF ME ...AHHHH *gets punched in his mouth*

Autumn: *feels people pulling her off of him and starts kicking* Let me go ! Let me go !  I swear to god nigga if Lindsey is dead im gonna kick yo ass !

Talia: No need Autumn . I'll just make him disappear !

Prod: What are you talking about ???

Autumn: You stupid bitch ! because of you , Lindsey is gone and Justin probably kidnapped her !

Prod: Wait, Justin who ?

Autumn: The Justin who she left with the night you broke up with her !

Prod: *sucks teeth* Man fuck her and that nigga !

Autumn: he could have possibly killed her ! he was the last person we saw her with !

Prod: *gets quiet* ...... Oh ......

Autumn: Yea OH !

Prod: You guys look I -

Autumn: NO ! Shut the fuck up and listen ! 

Prod: *stays quiet*

Autumn: I swear to god if my friend is dead i can assure you that you will not live to see another day ! And I was JUST saying that I felt sorry for you because of all of the hurt and pain that you're going through but instead you're in here fucking this rat pussy bitch ! You really disgust me Prod , REALLY !!!!



Damn , I really messed up ! I dont know whats going on in my head right now ! I feel really bad . I loved Tati soo much and I still do . But she really hurt me and Im having toruble forgiving her . And I didnt mean anything I said to Lindsey , I honestly DO love her , she reminds me of Tati , which is partially the reson I flipped out on her like that . I didnt mean to hit her , idk wtf i was thinkin man . I really fucked up ! I didnt mean anything i said to her , i was just upset . And i know i shouldnt trust Nya because she is a sneaky ass bitch and she has always been that way but its just that being with a stranger sometimes is easier than being with people you knwo because they dont judge you . And i cant lie , she got a grown woman's body tho ! (A/N: Ohh , Prodigy , If You Only Knew !)  Ughh . IDK how imma make this right . I just pray that Lindsey is okay because if she died nd it was because of me , i think i would take my own damn life .


So i wake up to someone slapping me in my face . my mouth is really dry , I cant swallow , My head hurts , im handcuffed to a very uncomfortable chair , i have a pain in my lower area , and this lightskin boy with curls is standing in front of me .

Lin: *gets slapped* WTF !

????: Bitch I see you finally decided to wake up ! I guess i didnt give it to you hard enough huh ?

Lin: Wh-......Whaaa ? Where the fuck am i and why am i here ? Is it about me not paying the electricity bill last year ? Im sorry ill pay you ri-

?????: *slaps her* SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN !

Lin: *crying* What do you want from me ?

????: You need to give me some information !

Lin: Okay about what ?

????: Them lil mindless niggas and that chick with the blondish brown hair . Her name is like spring or summer or sum shit .

Lin: Autumn ?

???: Yea , that !

Lin: Whayada wanna know ?

????: Do they talk about a girl named Tatiana ?

Lin: Ummm , sometimes but she died .

????: *starts to feel a lil guilty* Well what did they say .

Lin: Well Autumn says that she has a feeling that her murderer was her ex .... I think his name was James...

????: Nawww , its Justin .

Lin: How do you know ?

????: Cuz im Justin .

Lin: *opens her eyes wide*  Oh My godd please dont kill me ill do anything pleasee !

Justin: *slaps again* SHUT . THE . FUCK . UP !

Lin: *silently crying*

Justin: So you'll do anything huh ?

Lin: *nods* 

Justin: okay *uncuffs her* follow me . *smirks*


Bye Bye *waves*

 Hopefully I Can Update Soon  : (

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