Love at first kill (A BEN Drowned love story)

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My name is Karmen. I am seventeen and can't honestly remember the last time a day was normal for me. Because I'm not normal. This is my story.
(Karmen's POV)

~Karmen's dream~

My feet slapped the pavement as fast as my little eight year old feet could go. A menacing laugh

came from behind me and echoed throughout the alleyway. "Karmen, where are you" 'He' laughed.

The rain began to fall harder making everything blurry and doubled. I hid behind a garbage can

and burried my face in my arms, trying to accept my fate. "Hello" 'He' said, now close enough to

touch. I screamed and sneaked a peak. A clown, with a cone shaped spiral nose and a huge smile.

'He' whispered in my ear "All around the mulberry bush. The monkey chased the weasel. The

monkey though twas all in fun..." 'He' held out his hand, revealing a few pieces of candy. 'He' stood

up laughing and spoke "pop goes the weasel." "STOP!" a guys voice said from a little ways down

the alley. 'He' kneeled down and said "until next time, my little friend."

~End of dream~

I shot up, sweating and shaking, and looked at the clock. "*sweared* IM LATE!!!!" I jumped out of

bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and went downstairs in a hurry. "Ugggghhh. No time

to eat" I said to myself as I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. My foster mom, Annabeth, was

waiting in the car. "Your late" she said accusingly "at least you don't look like the train wreck you

really are." I sat in silence as she drove me to my last day of high school. "Summers not here yet,

sweetie" Annabeth said rudely. We pulled up to the school and my best friend, Charlotte, opened

the door and pulled me out and slammed the car door.

"I cannot believe today's the last day of high school" Charlotte said dramatically "goodbye sweaty

teenage boys and hello college hotties!" Honestly, I wished I was as outgoing as she was

sometimes. Well, maybe not as outgoing because right now she looks likes she doing the jig in the

middle of the hallway. I shoved my backpack in my locker, not bothering to take it to class today.

*a few hours later*

Everybody jumped up when the bell rang and screamed. I suddenly got a vision of 'Him' kneeling

down beside me and echoing "I told you I'd be back." I stood up and staggered hazily to my locker

and everything went black. I fainted. The last thing I saw was a boy with blonde hair and hoodie

coming towards me.


I put my hood up and walked into the high school just as the bell rang. I wanted to kill someone

since I hadn't in a while and Slendy was starting to get pissed. I was trying to decide who to kill

when I saw a girl go tumbling out of a classroom and start to faint near a locker. I ran and caught

her before she hit the ground. I picked her up bridal style and carried out of the school. I carried

her to the mansion and set her down on the couch. Slendy walked in, took one look at her, and was

beyond pissed. I knew that I deserved what was coming to me.

(Karmen's POV)

I woke up and found myself staring at a high, wooden ceiling. I sat up and looked around. I had

absolutely no clue where I was. All I knew is that I was not alone. "I had to catch her or else people

might have been suspicious of me if I walked past without helping or taking a second look" a boys

voice sounded from a nearby room. I got up and tried to tiptoe over to the door to hear better but

the floor creaked and they stopped talking. The door opened and I ran and hid in a nearby room. It

looked like a small library. I started walking down the rows of books, letting my fingers trail along

their dust filled covers.

I could hear them arguing from the other room about how they could have let me leave. "Jokes on

them" I said as I flipped through and old book called 'Moonlit Weapon'. Just then the door opened

and in walked 'Him'. I hid behind a curtain and slowed my frantic breathing. "I swear, no one in

this god damn house can go ten minutes without arguing" 'He' said to himself. I tried to shift to a

sitting position, the way I used to do as a kid playing hide and seek, but slipped on the the end of

the curtain and went crashing to the ground.

I held my breath and heard him as he got closer. I watched in terror as he wrapped his hand

around the curtain and ripped it down from its hinges. "Well, if it isn't little Karmen. Look at you,

all grown up" 'He' said while laughing. He grabbed my arm and hoisted me off the ground and

started to trail a knife down my jaw line. He ran out of the room while still gripping my arm,

dragging me out the room. He threw me on the couch and spun around to face a tall man in a suit

with no face and multiple arms coming out of his body. "Well, I believe I solved the mystery of the

'missing' girl" 'He' said while leaving the room laughing his horrible, menacing laugh.

Okay, so it's not that great but don't blame me. It was my first time writing anything like this. =^.^= I need some ideas on how I should go about this story like how should they fall in love and like how many chapters I should do and stuff. I will more than likely have her have a kid and I want to plan ahead of time names and genders. I will update tomorrow or the day after that. Peace.

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