Author note + Ch. 9

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Hey guys! I wanted to say thank you all my reader friends, and other peoples, for sticking around to read my story. Anyways, the story will, sadly, be ending soon. I'm not sure I will stick around to write more fanfics but I will continue to read others stories ☺️. Sorry I'm ending it so soon. No, this is not the last chapter. Yes, I will reveal the 'big secret' thingy at the end of the story. With that being said, ON WITH STORY 👉.


"What the HELL is that stupid ratchet clown doing here?!" I raged as I descended the last few stairs. "Ratchet clown?" Slendy 'looked' at me like I had gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Apparently my yelling woke BEN up because I could now hear him yelling at Jeff. "Slendy... DID YOU MANAGE TO FORGET THIS CROWN FREAK HOG TIED ME AND TRIED TO KILL ME FOR THE SECOND TIME??!!!" Yep, if I hadn't already snapped that was it right there. In less than a second, BEN was standing in front of me trying to tell me to calm down. Did anyone tell him to never tell a girl to 'calm down'? It doesn't make you want to calm down! I know Jeff knows. How do I know? Because he's laughing his butt off on the ground. "Karmen, child, let me explain," Slendy said calmly. I looked at Slendy and nodded. I had pretty much gotten the hate brigade out of my system and I didn't want to make Slendy angry at me (because only god and unfortunate victims know what happens when he does get mad). "Laughing Jack came to deliver a message from Zalgo," Slendy explained. "Couldn't Zalgo have just told you himself? By email I mean." "Zalgo's been quite busy," L.J. intercepted. "What do you mean by that?" I questioned. Of course he said the thing I feared the most. "He's preparing his proxy to go to war with you guys," L.J. laughed. "So why aren't you trying to take me right now?" "Because," L.J. paused to laugh," Zalgo would like to do the honors himself."
Even after L.J. left, the weight of his words grew heavier and heavier with each ongoing second. I slumped on the couch and watched as BEN and Jeff did PvsP on a war game. They seemed to be having so much fun. Almost as if war was never even a thought. Why am I so worried? They been training and killing for years. Yelling sounded through the house as Jeff accused BEN of cheating. "YOU CHEATED YOU LITTLE SHIT-FACE!" Jeff yelled. "NO I DIDNT! YOU JUST LOST BECAUSE YOU SUCK!" BEN yelled back. I started to laugh until I cried. They both looked at me. "What?" they asked in unison. "You two," I paused to breath," are so funny when you fight." I looked at BEN who looked away and blushed. My eyes wandered over to Jeff who had his head down. On further examination I realized he was also blushing. Wait, what? Does Jeff like... NO!! That's impossible! I would have noticed by now! He's probably just embarrassed.
After I left to go upstairs I heard them go back to their bickering. I walked into my room, sat down at my desk, and checked my email. I hadn't checked my email in months. Bad idea. I had over 100 emails. They where all from the same person too: Charlotte. Most of them where 'where are you' or 'are you okay/alive'. I shut down my computer and went down to Slendy's office. I knocked on his door and waited. Where is he? "He went out a little bit ago," E.J. said while walking down the hallway eating kidneys. "Do you know where he went?" I asked. "Hunting. What did you need to ask him." "I wanted to go visit an old friend." "Okay. Let's go," E.J. said as he walked past me. "Wait, seriously?" "Ya, hurry up." I ran after him. "BEN! Jeff! We're gonna go see Karmen's friend," E.J. yelled right next to their ears. They didn't even move or say anything because they where doing another PvsP match.
About half an hour later, we where standing across the street from Charlottes house. E.J. turned to me,"I'm going to teach you to go into your illusion form." "My what?" "Illusion form. We use our illusion forms when we go out for anything other than hunting," E.J. explained. "Um, okay," I was pretty sure he was losing his mind. That is, until he look like a teenage boy with brown hair and brown eyes. "Okay, now concentrate on what you used to look like," E.J. explained. After about ten minutes of practice, I finally got it. Jack stayed nearby at the park across the street. I knocked on Charlottes door. "Hello," she looked up," OH.MY.GOD!" She practically squeezed me to death in a bear hug. "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE WERE YOU?!" she yelled questionably. "I left to stay with some close relatives," I lied effortlessly. It was best if she didn't know the truth. "They said you were a runaway," she laughed, "I guess they were wrong!" Her eyes drifted to my stomach. Crap. "Okay, either you put some weight on or... YOUR PREGNANT?!" "Yep, a baby girl," I said joyfully, fully aware of what her next question was going to be. "So... Whose the dad?" "Oh, his name is Benjamin." "Okay, we have A LOT of catching up to do," she gestured for me to come in. I accepted the offer.
I was proud of myself for staying this long in my illusion form. We had been talking for about an hour and it was around 9:00pm. I wonder how E.J. is doing. I feel kinda bad for leaving him out there. "So,"Charlotte snapped me back from my thoughts,"does she have a name yet?" "No, not yet but maybe you could help me decide." "Okay," she said happily. "Next time though. It's getting late and I should probably get back." "Awwww, okay," she said standing up. I stood up to and gave her a hug. "Just promise to stay in touch, okay?" she pleaded. "Okay, I promise," I said as I opened the front door. Halfway down the steps Charlotte called to me,"oh, and come back to visit before I can't hug you anymore." "Haha, very funny," I said as I reached the sidewalk,"bye!" She closed the door and E.J. was instantly next to me. "What's up," he asked, his mouth full of kidneys. "You scared me," I pushed him off the sidewalk. "Sorry. Anyway, we better get back," he ran off towards the woods. I followed him back to my new reality.


4 months to go. Everyone, especially Sally, is excited for the upcoming new addition. Everyone has also been training more. Slendy's been away for a few weeks gathering other Creepypastas to help out in the war. His brothers are already here helping with training. I help out when I can. Sally started to hang out with me more and more. She's been making outfits for the baby which I think is ADORABLE! "LET GO OF MY CHEESECAKE!!!" Masky yelled as Trenderman tried to take away the plate of cheesecake. "YOU NEED TO GO OUT AND TRAIN LIKE THE OTHERS!" This went on for about another ten minutes before Trender knocked Masky out with one of his tendrils. I took the plate from him and put it in the fridge. Today, I planned on telling Charlotte the truth about where I live and what I am because she wouldn't stop bugging me about her coming to see where I now call home. In a sense, I guess you could say she was working just as hard as everyone else. She was making a list of baby names, dragging me out of the house to go shopping, and finding time to bug me about coming over here. I just hope she can handle the truth and stay her same, bubbly, self.


Trying to do longer updates to compensate for late updates. Chapter 10 will be up soon (I made a couple chapters so I can update at any time). Vote, comment your ideas, and follow. ᎮᏋᏘᏨᏋ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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