After Light

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Please, please don't see me. I hurridly sneak upstairs, my foot pressing against the 4th step causing it to give a little squeak. Oh god, I hope he didn't hear that. My heart skips a beat when I see Harry standing at his bedroom door, his eyes full of sorry. I stare at him, my throat dry.

What do I say? 'Oh hey, Harry. I haven't talked to you in a week but I was wondering if you'd except my apology?' For what felt like forever we just stood there, staring straight at each other until the doorbell rang, causing us both to snap out of it. "I'll ge-" I began to say, but Harry walked down the stairs before me, towards the front door.

He swung it open, a girl standing there with amazing brown hair that was parted, tied back. "Hey, Georgie." Harry said, pulling her in for a hug. They both kiss on the lips, only a peck, but it was enough to make me angry. Upset, even. I was about to tell him I was sorry, that I felt something for him, but obviously he is with someone else.

The tears in my eyes were threating to spill out, as I stumble down the stairs, almost falling but catching myself by the rail, as I walk out the door, bumping shoulders with Harry as I ran down the street, not caring that the tears were now streaming down my cheeks. Why the hell am I crying? Pull yourself together, Louis.

Eventually when I can't run anymore, my breathing was fast and heavy, I sat against the side of the road, my cheeks stained with the tears. It was freezing, yet again. I start banging my fists against the ground, letting out a yell of anger. Maybe if I wasn't late then--screw it! Screw all of it.

For hours and hours I sat throwing my fists into the ground, pissed and sad and every mixed feeling in the world pounding into me. "Hey, are you okay?" I look up, brushing my hair away so it wasn't a mess. Does it look like I'm okay?

"Fine." I reply, the lie escaping my lips before I could stop it, as the guy sits next to me, worried planted all over his face.

"No, the scale goes: amazing, great, good, okay, horrible then fine." He said, rubbing my back. Who is he, and why the hell is he being so nice? I've never been treated like this before.

"I let him go," I reply, kicking at the ground, my vans ruining slowly. The guy stops rubbing my back, and looked at me with this look like, who? "I messed up and I lost him, and I want him back. But I can't," I say, my voice shaky.

"C'mon, it isn't safe out here at this time of night. Come to my apartment and meet my friend, and we can talk about it there," He said, standing and pulling me up to my two feet as we both walk down the street, me wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand so I didn't look weak. Even though I was already broken.

We climb into his car, as it roared to life. I adjust myself, clicking my belt in. "I'm Liam, by the way." He said, as we drive off down the road, the night sky stretching, cold yet beautiful.

"Louis." I answered, my tears now dried up because this guy was making me feel better. I sniff still, my knuckles and hands aching. It was too dark to see what they looked like, but I could feel something wet dripping down, and it was either blood or my tears.

"Alright, this is it." Liam said, pulling up as we both climb out. He leads me up towards his small brick house, unlocking it and switching the light on. "Zayn, I'm home!" He yells, kicking his shoes off. I look down, my hands red, swollen and blood stained. Liam must have noticed it too, because he takes my hands in his, turning them over, brushing his fingers over it, before walking with me towards what I guess was his kitchen.

"Hey, Li. Who's your friend?" I suppose he must be Zayn. He was buttering a sandwhich, as Liam grabs a cloth from the bench, wetting it with warm water.

"This is Louis." Liam answered, and takes my hand again, wiping the blood away, as I stood there, wondering why these guys are so nice to me. I mean, after all, my mum kicked me out of the house at 16 because she said she hated me, then my sisters all left me and...I found Harry.

Liam opens a bandaid, well a few at that, covering my cuts and scrapes on both hands. Once he checks I was okay now, we head into the lounge room again, as I take a seat on the chair facing Liam and Zayn. What am I supposed to tell them, I mean they're complete strangers that helped me and gave me some shelter for the time we could talk.

"So, you said that you lost him...Who is he?" Liam asked as I stare down at my knees that I bet, if I stood up would shake.

"My best friend." I reply, quiet and off tune.

"Hey, bro, it's okay. We're not gonna tell anyone," Zayn tells me, Liam nodding his head as I sit up, playing with my fingers.

"There's this girl named Collin. She works in starbucks and I like her...well at least I thought I did. She didn't even know my name, but she had worked there for like 4 years, and I would always go when her shift was on, but I was too scared to actually talk to her. Anyway, it was my best friend, Harry's 20th birthday, and the year before that, I was an hour late to his party, and he didn't talk to me for ages. So then I was walking home, and he text me and told me not to be late again. So I ran home, but I fell and when I looked up, I saw everyone was already there and I knew I let him down again. So a week later, we still hadn't talked, and every time I walked in the same room as him, he'd leave." I began. "And then I went for a walk because I had to get dinner for me, and Harry asked me where I was going, and then said be safe. And anyway, I left and then I was waiting in the line for starbucks when I thought to myself, do I have a crush on Harry? I don't know why, but I was so hurt when he ignored me, and then I just knew I liked him,"

"So I got home and I was about to tell him I liked him, and he was waiting for me. I was about to say it, when the doorbell rang and he answered it. And...this girl was standing there, and then they kissed. And it broke me and I left. Again. I cried for hours, sitting on the side of the street, and then Liam found me," I say.

"Are you sure you love him?" Liam asked, concern all through his voice.

"More than anything in the world." Was all I said.

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