Chapter 1 ~ A Vampire's Loyalty

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Hello, this is the first chapter of 'A Vampire's Loyalty', one of the many yaoi stories I have made. And the first I will post on this site. Please treat me gently, I do get writers block a lot so leave me alone, but good comments and encouragement does make me feel better. If I finish a chapter and say 'I need people's ideas on what to do next', then please message me your idea (No stupid ones either) and I will chose from the best, type it, and post your name in the beginning so everybody will know you helped. And a lot of times, I accidentally post 'teh' instead of 'the', so please say nothing about it, because I am aware I do it. For the pictures, the bigger male is Zachariah, and the small one is Sou. Not sure if the pictures will turn out because I don't know how to separate the pictures, and the pictures belong to who made them (Not me). Please comment what you think, I've never show ANYONE any of my work.

The man on the cover is Zachariah, a main character, Sou is in the Media below.

"Young Master!" A maid shouted, running around in her black and white outfit, ponytail bouncing. She wasn't bad looking, but heavier set in areas, and she was really nice. The maid stopped and looked around once again in the outside garden. "Young Master, bath time! So help me if you don't come out, I'll drag you out!" And another thing, she never lies. When she says she'll do something, she will.

I climb under the Daisies, whispering, "Well, time to run. Three... two... one!" The second I jump up and get ready to run, a hand came out grabbing my arm and jerked me back into the maid. "Lily!"

"There you are," She grinned with triumph, "found you! I win again, bath time AND a hair cut!" The woman eyed my messy mop of shining silver hair. It wasn't to bad, it was longer than everyone wanted, but my hair is always messy. Ask the hair dresser. I huffed as she dragged me by my arm to the bathing room. To her fault, she let go to check the water temperature and I broke into a run. She shouted my name but I got a head start and got away through the garden's gates.

I panted, running down the street. The sun had set and it was getting a bit dark, but if I knew Lily she'd have people searching for me instantly. The cold air chilled my lower thighs, my shorts were pretty short and didn't cover much and my black leggings went barely a little past my knees. My shirt was like a stylish green tank top, can't think of the real name, with a fluffy neck piece Pirate Captains usually wear, but mine's black. The button up shirt I wore wasn't mine, it was a purple color and the sleeves were like five inches past my fingers, and I never buttoned it. It hung down to the ground, sometimes dragging. I didn't wear my shoes but the leggings covered my feet. My hair was silver and almost reach my shoulders in a messy, "adorable" way says my Aunt Maria. People say that my eyes looks like glass, the color of them, so light and glossy.

I slow to a stop, body freezing and shivering. I look around slightly, "I don't know this place, how far did I run?" Behind, it was nothing but darkness, one streetlight working above me. The thin tank top and button shirt did me no justice from the cold breeze. I shook and shivered as I looked side to side, waiting if a Guard would come by and find me, but no one came. Oddly enough, I could hear voices, whispers, chuckles and laughs. The closer they got, the louder they were. Shapes started to outline, people, laughing and grinning. What looked like k-nines and claws glittered from the streetlight. I started to panic.

"G-go away, leave me alone!" I summed up the courage I had not to scream for mommy. But one grinned wide and licked his lips, "My my my, smell that sweet blood. I'll love tearing you apart."

Another chipped in, possibly a woman, "Is it a boy or girl? Oh I can't tell!"

I lost it, I screamed and turned, running into the only open area , right into a dark alley barely lit by the streetlight. It was straight, and split into two ways, I ran left. A dead end! I turned right away and the strange shadows filed in the only exit. Growling and saying nasty, creepy things. Their eyes shined a bright crimson color, I screamed again, but I couldn't hear it. Warm skin covered my mouth and pushed me into bare skin and leather. The shadows didn't say anything after a group gasp with a few hisses. A deep, dark voice interrupted.

A Vampire's Loyalty (Manxboy) - AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now