Chapter Three ~ Wild Fantasy... Maybe?

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I'm so sorry everyone, I had uploaded the fifth chapter in stead of 3 and 4! But they are here now! THIS CONTAINS RATED R MATERIAL AND HARD YAOI, EXTREME DETAIL, BEWARE!!! Remember, these are my characters.

"No! Dammit," I whined, if I came home with undies with this spot my maids would sure find out while washing them. This was bad, I get off the bed and look around. Zach was hot, maybe he had a girlfriend away and I could use her undies. I've had a fetish of wearing ladies underwear ever since I liked wearing dresses. Don't ask why, I was experimenting.

Zach must have heard my feet because there was a light knock on the door. "Hey, you all right?"

"Um, I, well.... Yes!" He won't believe me, I know it. The doorknob turned and clicked open, the sexy vampire must have taken off his trench coat because I saw every inch of that upper body. He was so sexy it was hard to take, and it wasn't helping the tent in my shorts go away. I turned away from him, starting to panic. Zach stepped closer and closer until his hand was able to softly touch my shoulder and turn me around. Zach shifted the weight on his legs and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He said, and despite his past voice, it sounded so sweet. My face was pure red, arms up slightly and hands tucked into my chest, staring down at his bare feet. He wasn't wearing anything but those pants, just like in my dream. He must have seen it, the tent, his eyes looked up and down to see anything wrong and Zach must have seen it! Oh god, he's going to kick me out!

"Sit on the bed," Zach said, standing and guiding me to the bed, sitting me at the edge. He knelt down and started to slide down my leggings, faster than I had wanted. He didn't rub my feet, kiss my legs or anything, I started loosing hope faster than people in a massacre. He gentle took off my purple button shirt, leaving me even more vulnerable to the cold. Zach pulled on the bandana and the knot came loose so he could pull it off with care. He looked up at my eyes and his own widened. What did he see? Sadness? Loneliness? He gazed at my eyes as I try not to cry. I felt so greedy all at once. My eyes watered up, bottom lip trembling slightly, I tried so hard.

"Hey, tell me. What's wrong?" A big hand rested on my hip, thumb rubbing in gentle, small circles.

My whole body started to trembling, "I... I w-want y-you. You w-were in my d-dream and..." I couldn't control it anymore, my eyes blurred and I started to cry. Zach's the hand came up and rubbed the side of my head while I cried with my fists under my eyes, just like a little kid who scraped his knee when playing tag.

"Stop crying," He said gently, rubbing my head and my hip, they moved and wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him. Zach moved to sit on the bed, holding me close across his lap as he rocked softly. Whispering sweet things into my hair, I buried myself into his chest, my arms between our chests as I let myself go. Crying and crying, when I'd try to stop, I would cry harder. I was such a burden to have around people. Always, people used to say it to me when I was little. I'd go home and ask what they meant to the maids, but they would just look all sad and take care of me. I felt inside that this man wasn't going to do that, he was going to toss me out and leave me, I'd never be able to see that face again.

Zach gently lifted my head, my eyes opened slightly but blurred with tears. He smiled and leaned down some, "So beautiful," he whispered before resting his lips over mine. It wasn't hard, I have small lips, I am just small. I gasped and looked at him fully, with him looking right back. Zach pulled his lips away and rubbed my bottom lip with a thumb, fingers curved to cup my chin.

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