I checked my works today, and to say the least I am extremely disappointed.

I am disappointed that this piece of trash, illegal, shota crap is my most popular read, and most popular voted for, story.

I am honestly completely ashamed of this story. I started this young, and now that I am past the young age and past adulthood it makes me honestly sick to read this.

That at one time I thought this was okay.

I honestly cant believe I wrote this. It's shitty, illiterate, illegal (age-gap, under age) and its just... ugh!

It depresses me to a whole new level that this, thrown together, incomplete thing is my most popular article to read.

I've poured my heart, my imagination, my everything into my other high story, The Lost Kitten, and yet this story has more votes and more reads.

I should be happy though, its over 1k reads!

But I'm not. I still get frequent little messages with people encouraging me to continue this.

Now that I am an adult, who was molested as a child, and then a  teenager, left with a child I could barely mentally care for, to sit here and read a story about a man getting sexual with a child?

The idea makes me sick. Literally. My stomach twists at the idea. I don't know why I ever thought this was okay, maybe it was because what happened to me over my whole childhood, but I just can't think that now.

I don't think I'll delete this story, since it has so many votes and reads, but I really don't want anymore encouraging comments and messages sent to me about it. I just want to kinda forget this story exists. Bury it in my files and recently updated.

A Vampire's Loyalty (Manxboy) - AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now