We Could Die? Well duh, We all Are Already Dead.

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Alex Fierro's POV

We have no idea who this person who sent the letter is, and it scares me. What if it's a trap? What if we die? What if we learn absolutely nothing? We are all getting out of the portal to Midgard. We are standing by the duck statues now, weapons in hand, ready for whatever might happen. Halfborn is helping Mallory off one of the ducks (The ducks are the portal?) and onto the ground when I see him. Thor is striding to our group of einherjars quickly. His face shows worry and concern mixed up into his face making him look more constipated than anything. Magnus is looking at him as well. He probably just wants answers so we can find his father, and then go back to our lives of training to end Ragnorak. But things like this are never simple, I know this for a fact. As Thor comes closer, Mallory, T.J., and Halfborn finally spot him. They are all as confused as I am as to why he is here.  When he gets within speaking range of us he begins to speak.

"Magnus, you brought backup as I thought you would, good," He says sternly in a voice so unlike his, while looking Magnus straight in the eyes, "But there is something I need to tell you, I know you have heard the rumors circulating that Loki has been stealing powerful gods, Loki already has Tyr, Odin, Frigg, and your father, Frey, I am probably next on the list, I know Frey has been in hiding for years to escape Loki and his past but now you must help him, you and your team must find a way to break into the ship of nails where they are being held, and get them free, I can't do it, my wife says I have to work out more before I go on any more missions to save anyone, this is extremely dangerous, you could die for gods sake! But you need to try, I have told you as much as I can, but now I must go, my wife needs me home in time for dinner"

We are all gaping at him as he turns around to leave. Magnus's has such a shocked expression on his face making him look funny. I would have laughed if I wasn't in as much shock as him. I never heard any rumors about my father stealing powerful gods, and now it's not even a rumor, its truth. I wanted to smash something right at this second, but I knew I shouldn't because of my einherjar strength. Thor takes a few more steps before Halfborn runs up to him and turns him around. Thor looks startled, but not as much as we are. 

"How do you know all of this?" Halfborn's gruff voice says. 

"Some spies for Odin warned me," Thor says, "But I must get home now, my like I said before my wife expects me to be home for dinner"

Thor then turns away (again) and starts to walk down the street. I learned that people on the street can see us, but their mind usually forgets easily about us, and there are many people on the streets. It makes me wonder if they can see Thor the way he looks (Like he hasn't slept ever and has never been into a hairdresser or at least gotten his hair cut). I look over at Magnus who is now leaning against the duck statute. I watch his brain try to process this information. I see how it could be hard for him, his father Frey, who he only met once in a dream, is now trapped by my awful father. Mallory starts to bicker with T.J. about what we should do now while Halfborn tries to break them up to no avail. I walk over to where Magnus is now closing his eye tightly shut, still trying to process the information.

"You all right Magnus?" I ask him.

"Yep, I am unicorns and rainbows right now, absolutely fine, just wishing I never came here," He says and sighs, "I just am tired of all these quests and stopping Ragnorak and everything, it's just so stressful, plus this time I have no idea in the slightest way how if four gods managed to get captured, how we are ever going to get them free"

"Well we could always get your other friends Hearthstone, Blitzen, and Samirah, and ask them to come over, there pretty smart, then we could plan something," I say because I don't know what else to say without sounding like an idiot.

"Yeah sure, let's do that, let's just get back to Valhalla," He says and jumps on top of one of the ducks.

Mallory, T.J., Halfborn, and I followed after him and into the portal. When we got to Valhalla Magnus seemed depressed and weary. He went straight to his room without a word to any of us. I didn't like to see him like this so I went and tried to open his door, he locked it. I didn't know why it strained my heart so much to see him upset, remember Alex you can't have feelings! Feelings only end you up sadder than you were before. Then I turned back to the rest of floor nineteen.

"Let's go send a message via bird to his friends, they can get to him through the tree in his atrium, we have to try at least to help him so then we can help those poor gods," I say and walk towards the elevators with the rest of floor nineteen bickering behind me.

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