Alex Saves About Four Gods Lives and Hey I am Alive!

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Alex Fierro's POV

I am about four feet from the ship of nails. I pray to the gods that I am not late. Magnus can't lose his life because of my father. As I jump up onto the deck of the ship I realize I am too late. Loki is standing over Magnus who is cut into four pieces on the table in front of him. Tears well in my eyes, I am too late. Anger from all these years of torment and anger builds up inside of me. Inside my head I will him to die, knowing it won't work. But the surprising thing is it at least gives him a heart attack. He staggers backward onto the deck gasping and wheezing for air. I smile. I can control him! I run over to him with my garrote out and neatly slice his head off. Then I turn around to a dead Magnus behind me. Why does my father have to be so cruel!? He split Magnus into four parts, blood is everywhere and I can't stand to see him dead. Dead. At Valhalla dying isn't a bad thing but here in real life, he will never respawn. I sob wracks my body.

"Hello! Hello! Anyone up there? Loki stopped laughing abruptly so if someone is here to save us please come below deck!!" I hear someone call out from far below. 

I turn away from the only guy I have ever truly loved and walk towards the stairway to go downstairs. Sure I was happy I can control my father, sure I was happy that I have a few minutes until he respawns, but I can't bare it that Magnus is dead. Once downstairs I see Tyr, Odin, Frigg, and Frey, all in shackles tied to a wall. Their weapons are neatly placed in a pile only a few centimeters from there reach.

"How do I get you guys out of there?" I ask sadly. 

"Just grab our weapons please, we can break out easily if we have them," Tyr says. 

I grab all the weapons with my einherjar strength and hand them out to each of them. I can tell they notice how somber I am right now, but only Frey speaks up. 

"What's wrong? You just saved four gods for Pete's sake! How did you get past Loki?" He bellows. 

Odin, Frigg, and Tyr stand up wordlessly and go onto special devices they built into their weapons to call for someone to get us off the ship. I cringe, Frey must not know about what happened to Magnus. 

"Your son, Magnus, was being controlled by my evil father Loki, but I came to late for him....." I say sadly, hanging my head in sorrow, "He's dead"

"That's alright, I can just heal him!" Frey stands up after getting his shackles off by Odin. 

Odin is watching me like a hawk and it scares me a little, but I focus more about what Frey just said.

"You can bring back the dead?" I ask incredulously.

"Sure I can, where is he? and what did you do to Loki so that he not killing us right now?" He asks. 

"Well I willed him to die because I hate the anger of years upon years he has mistreated me and now that he killed Magnus, I was more furious than ever, Loki had a heart attack and is probably respawning in that cave, Magnus is upstairs laying in four pieces on a table, I have no idea why this has happened or why my father would want to do this, but Magnus is upstairs" I say quickly.

Frey nods his head and starts to walk up the stairs, I follow him. As we reach the deck I see no traces of my father but Magnus is still disheveled in four pieces on the table. Odin, Frigg, and Tyr are using their magical devices or whatever to get them back to where they need to be but Frey walks over to his son. Wow, no thank you for saving my life, or hey Alex! Great job saving my life here is the gift of (place random valuable thing here). I watch as Frey places his hands on the four pieces of Magnus. Instantly Frey dims and light shoots through his hands and mends Magnus back together. It's weird how he can resurrect people, but I am ever so thankful he has. I watch as Frey steps back and Magnus coughs, opens his eyes, and looks around. His eyes scan over every god here, and me, and he looks very confused. 

"What happened?" He says.

"Well she saved four gods lives from getting used to creating the most powerful god in the universe by Loki, and then she told me you were dead because of Loki and looked very upset, are you guys dating?" He asks. 

Magnus and I both blush a deep red and shake our heads no. Magnus is staring at his father now looking at him with questions in his eyes. 

"How did I die?" He asks.

"I don't really know, you were dead when I got here," I say. 

"But no more of this depressing stuff! How have you been doing son?" Frey bellows. 

"Other then dying and respawning pretty much every day, pretty good," Magnus says and glances at me, "Pretty good"

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