Even Frey Ships FierroChase

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Narrator's POV

As Frey walked towards Randolph's mansion, the place he knew Loki and his son would be, he realized how much of an idiot he was. He had another child that he couldn't take care of because Loki is after him twenty-four-seven, and he feels bad for his children. He always wanted his children to have happy lives, but will Loki around, he knew that couldn't happen. He then devised a plan, one of the best plans he has ever made in his life, and instead of turning towards the mansion, Frey turns toward Blitzen's best. 

Alex Fierro's POV

I wait anxiously for Frey to come back with Magnus. My mind keeps running wild with some crazy theories about why they aren't back yet. Like maybe Frey is fighting Loki and finding a way so he can actually die. Or maybe Frey is trying all he can to save Magnus but he knows that he could die to give all his strength to Magnus. Perhaps Magnus isn't there, and he is somewhere safe like Valhalla and that was the fake Magnus that died. I just can't have Magnus die for real. He is the only one who even understood me in a way no one else has. He accepts me for being genderfluid, and he always knows what gender I am for some reason. It's like we were made to be. I totally do not have a crush on Magnus Chase. I can't have a crush on him because.... that could only lead to more trouble with Loki. I know Magnus is on the top of Loki's to-kill list (Yes he actually has a list, he keeps it in his back pocket so he can remember who he needs to kill); I wish there was a way that Magnus and I could just be happy together without my father being alive. If my father wasn't alive then none of this would have happened. I would have just been born to some other horrible father, become an orphan and meet Magnus out on the streets somewhere. Then I and he could be each other's saviors, our only other good thing in the world. To be honest, he is one of the only good things in the world to me. Gods! I need to stop practically fangirling about Magnus like people reading this do! Why couldn't I have never met him? Why couldn't I have been born to some other god? Why?

Magnus Chase's POV

I wake up to my father leaning over me and smiling widely. He looks like he has won the lottery or whatever big name games gods play. His face is scratched and torn, and his body is dimming with every passing moment. I can't see anything behind him because my vision is still blurry from respawning. Then like water breaking down a dam, I remember what happened to me. 

"It's okay Magnus, Loki won't be out for a long long time, I trapped him in the in the extra rope of what you used to trap Fenrir the wolf, good job doing that by the way, let's get you to your girlfriend, she must be worried sick about you, she's been watching Maggie at my little hut house in Alfheim," He says and helps me sit up. 

We are in a patch of grass behind the family mansion, and the mansion looks half-blown up. Broken glass lines what once were windows and there is smoke coming from inside the house. I smile, at least my father says Loki is gone. 

"What happened? All I can remember is passing out and giving Maggie to Alex" I say and rub my head.

"Well I went to your friend Blitzen's place because I heard he was a very talented dwarf in clothing making, and wanted to know if he could make anything else, he instantly knew who I was, I mean who wouldn't know me? But the point is he made me a device that I can put my power of creating lightning storms into one space and keep it there for an extended amount of time, so Blitzen made it into a hat and I put it on Loki's head while locking him in a closet after I caught him off guard and beat the crap outta him, plus I put him in the same binding a fenrir for good measure" He says and stares out the house.

He is trying not to laugh, I can tell, but a hardy laugh breaks free, and together we laugh. It feels good to be close to my father, so have him near me, to have him be there for me, just to have my father, in general, feels amazing. I was so happy Loki would be getting lightning storms for the rest of his life and so happy I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Then I remember what he said about Alex waiting for us at his hut in Alfheim.

"We should get going, Alex is probably worried sick by now," I say and stand up.

My father grins and replies, "You mean your girlfriend is probably worried sick"

"She is not my girlfriend," I say, even though a part of me wishes she was, "Let's get going"

"Oh but you wish she was! I can tell you blush just thinking about her!" My father says teasingly.

I sighed. So this what it felt like to have a family.

Alex Fierro's POV

What is a ship and why does Frey ship me and Magnus?

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