Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Harry! Shit, of course I remember Christmas! I don't think anything in the world could make me forget that!” Niall grabs Harry's cheeks and pulls him for a prolonged kiss. “It was amazing; our first time. Every last detail is still up here.” Niall taps the side of his head softly with his lips brushing against Harry's as he speaks.

Harry exhales a breath of relief and laughs quietly. “God, I have no idea what I would've done if you didn't remember that...” Harry can't pry his mouth from Niall's.

“If I didn't you would have had to refresh my memory right here and now.” Niall jokes. Harry smiles and bobs his eyebrows playfully.

“You know, we can anyways... even if you do recall our activities that night...”

Niall grins foolishly and laughs in a way he hadn't for a while. And something happens. Niall doesn't know whether he likes the fact or not that it happened so suddenly but he thinks he'll be okay with the way those same gorgeous green eyes smack him into reality. It wasn't even a big thing that triggered it either. Niall just simply was himself, forgetting about his disabilities and his problems, and remembering what was good, what made them happy. It's the little things on the inside that are important, not anything else.

“I love you, Harry.” Niall says seriously. “You are so, so beautiful... and sexy. Have I mentioned you're pretty sexy? I really should more often. You're, like, smokin' hot.” Harry blushes and hits Niall’s chest lightly, he couldn't at all help the goofy smile glued to his face.

“Shut up.” Harry laughs. Slouching into the hospital pillow behind him.

“What? I'm not allowed to tell my boyfriend he's extremely attractive?” Harry shakes his head trying to hide his smile and Niall gasps dramatically. “Honestly... what has this world come to?”

Harry giggles softly and the two settle down, melting down into each other. They laid shoulder to shoulder for hours watching re-runs of old soap operas and comedy shows. It is a nice way to spend the day (Niall's favourite way actually) when really there is not much else to do.

“We should go find the old people and play shuffle board with them.” Harry states after the long silence. He chuckles at himself and soon falls into a fit of breathless laughter. Niall obviously doesn't know what the boy finds so funny but he laughs along too because why not, he's fucking happy and it's been way too long.

The day turns kind of crappy when dinner comes into play. Harry is feeding Niall his applesauce, when the blond boy feels an odd sensation come over his legs. For some reason his upper thighs feel warm, wet, and his hospital gown is clinging to his skin uncomfortably. When Harry walks over to the garbage bin to throw out the empty applesauce container Niall lifts his thin wool blanket to examine himself. There is a patch of liquid surrounding his crotch and his face glows bright red. Oh god, had he just pissed himself? Niall pulls the blanket back over himself and he panics because he's never been so embarrassed and he doesn't know what to do.

“Harry! Get Liam! Now,” Niall points towards the door as Harry walks quickly back to Niall with worry, almost tumbling over himself.

“What is it? Can I help-,”

“No, damn it! Go get Liam!” Harry pouts and curls into himself like a frightened animal. He backs away and scurries out of the room to search for Liam.

Niall is shaking and there is a twinge in his heart because he knows that he just hurt Harry's sensitive feelings. He hates himself for it really. But that was better than letting Harry see that Niall can't even feel his full bladder empty out onto himself.

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