Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The second Harry and Niall wake up, Liam is scolding Niall for being naked with his boyfriend in a hospital bed. Most of his words – to Niall – are mumbled and incoherent but they are still annoying.

“Piss off Liam. No one likes you.” Niall grumbles into Harry's shoulder, forbidding to open his eyes to meet consciousness.

“Then, quit having butt sex in a hospital.” Liam retorts, with an offending glare. The two of them hear Harry snort in laughter and they look to him quickly.

What?” Liam and Niall ask. Harry doesn't answer, he just giggles.

“Whatever,” Liam sighs. “I came to talk to Harry, anyway.” Liam rolls his eyes at Niall and turns to the youngest lad. “Wanna stay at my place tonight? I heard you needed somewhere to sleep.” Liam's eyes have softened now and Harry watches him quietly.

“No, no. It's fine, really, Liam. I'll find some place.” Harry smilesgenuinely and sits up slowly.

“Harry, I insist-,” Liam intercepts.

“Liam, I'm sure your girlfriend won’t want some stranger in your house,” says Harry.

Liam scoffed and waves his hand at Harry. “Oh, that isn't a problem. Bee is so friendly, she won't mind at all.”

“I don't know...”

Liam takes Harry's hand in his, ignoring Niall's hiss of jealousy, “I promise, you are welcome in my home for as long and you need. Please.” Liam says sincerely.

Harry looks at Liam then to Niall and back. “Okay... if you're sure...”

“I am. One hundred percent.”

Niall falls asleep shortly after Harry takes him for a bath. The two of them cleaned off the remains of the activities before their nap and head back quickly to Niall's room, eating shitty food and falling asleep.

Harry puts his coat on and Liam pats him on the back.

“Ready to go?” Liam asks, pulling on his beanie. Harry nods to Liam and tries to smile. “What are you worried about? You're safe with me, I promise.”

Harry shakes his head. “It's not that. I just don't want to've already done so much for me.”

Liam sighs and rubs his forehead. “Just, C'mon. I wouldn't have invited you to stay if I didn't want you there.”

Harry nods and they make their way out of the hospital and to Liam's car in silence.

They don't talk much on the way to Liam's house. Some things are mentioned about Niall and the hospital but any conversation is dropped in seconds. Harry doesn't feel right about staying at Liam's. Liam has already helped both Harry and Niall so much in the past month and a bit, he felt as though he was taking advantage of Liam's kindness.

Liam pulls into his driveway and turns off his car, although he doesn't move to get out. He sits there staring out the windshield in silence.

“Everything alright, Liam?” Harry asks with a gentle hand placed on Liam's arm. The bearded man sighs and bows his head slightly.

“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” he turns to Harry. “I mean, I bet you are a strong kid and all but... anyone who's gone through what you have must be a little damaged at the least.”

“Well,” Harry shrugs. Of course he's damaged. It felt as though Niall died in his arms, but then came back to life just to be sleeping for days with tubes, needles and machines coming from literally everywherethen when he finally wakes, his legs hardly work along with his hands that cannot grip a single thing and a stutter that – by chance – went away, with Harry watching every soul torturing detail of every second. A little damaged isn't anywhere near even an understatement. “I guess...” Harry says.

“You guess? Harry, I assume you are pretty screwed up after everything. I want you to know that I am here for you, that's all. If you need to talk about how you feel, about your relationship, really anything. I'm here for you. I'll listen, as a friend, not cause it's my job.”

Harry looks to Liam and wraps his arm around him almost instantly. Liam hugs back tightly for a while and ruffles Harry's curls as the pull apart.

“We should head inside, it's getting pretty late.” Liam suggests. Harry nods but he halts before opening his door.

“Did Niall ask you to take me in?” Harry isn't looking at Liam and there is a long silence before the man chooses to answer.

“Yeah, he's worried about you. He doesn't want you anywhere else. And stop stalling, kid, let's get in the house already.” Liam chuckles and pushes the car door open, Harry following suit.

“Thank you Liam for this. I'll find a place in no time and I'll be out of your hair.” Harry promises, walking to Liam's front entrance.

“You're very welcome, Harry. But learn to be selfish for once and take advantage to what you are given. Stay as long as you want.”

Liam presses numbers into a small keypad and his door unlocks, he pushes inside and Harry can feel the warmth already surrounding him.

Tonight was going to be a cozy peaceful night, Harry thought.

Liam instructs Harry to hang his coat in one place and put his boots in another, Harry follows every word carefully.

“Bee, I'm home! We have a guest.” Liam shouts leaning up the staircase.

Harry hears footsteps move across the floor upstairs and Harry shortly wonders who the lucky fiancé (if he remembers what Liam said correctly) is. Harry watches the woman's two feet slowly step down each stair, revealing inches of her body at a time. Once most of her is shown, Harry can't help but freeze in his place.

The woman's eyes meet with his the moment she comes into full view. Her face lights up in a way most people could mistake for happiness or joy, but to Harry, he knew that her expression was only meant to be devious, vile and wicked.

“Oh how exciting, I love having a guest to entertain.” Her villainous grin made Harry's skin crawl foully.

“Harry, this is my soon-to-be-wife, Abby. Abby, this is Harry. He needs a place to stay.” Liam hooks his arm around the woman's waist, leaning close to her and kissing her cheek.

The frightening lady jets out her hand to Harry for a formal shake, but the young lad only jumps back in fear.

“It's very nice to meet you, Harry.” She narrows her eyes holding her hand out further. Harry looks to Liam and the man looks confused at Harry. Avoiding any problematic situations – specifically ones where he'd have to explain his past, Harry swallows and shakes Liam's partner's hand quickly.

The moment Harry's hand comes into contact with Abby's, Harry's stomach flip flops and he is holding a hand over his mouth.

“Come on inside. Make yourself at home.”

“Bathroom?” Harry squeaks, ripping his hand back to his side with Liam pointing to a door. Harry runs for his life it seems, and he locks himself behind the door for the night, until morning.

When Harry thought that staying in Liam's welcoming, warm and cozy home would be better than the nights he had spent outside, well needless to say, he was more than incorrect.


meooowwwww hello. its been forever since ive updated... i am a slow poke... but like PLOOOOOOOTTTTTT TWIIISTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!! MUAHAHAH. sorry poeple, it was destined to happen!!! because im evil. obviously. but did i surprize you???? hmmm? i hope i did!!





70+ votes for the next update woopaloop

~emilou xxx

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