Chapter 12

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"You what?!" Liam bellows. Niall instantly cringes at the ear splitting noise.

"It's over with, Liam. Don't make a deal of it." Niall crosses his arms and rolls over to his side, cowering into his bed. He didn't like it when Liam got angry with him. It is a scary thing.

"Are you stupid?!" Liam huffs and Niall can hear him pacing around in circles. his eyebrows lower, gawking at Liam's offensive words and he flips back over to face the therapist.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"He fucking loves you! How could you do that to him?" Liam almost looks hurt. "I've never seen love like you two have, and you just ended it all for no good reason..."

"No good reason? Liam, he doesn't want me anymore. I'm not enough, he wants to see other people." Niall explains, more calmly now.

"Bullshit. He was lying." Liam counters. Niall glares at Liam with eyes melting into sorrow.

"I know he wouldn't lie about fucking someone else." Niall practically whispers, afraid of his own voice.

Liam steps back in shock. He stares at Niall for a moment before licking his lips and sighing.

"That is impossible." Liam mutters rubbing his chin. "He was either here or at the house, I've been with him every second out of the hospital. He couldn't have..."

Niall's stomach knots and he silently begs for the conversation to be dropped because he's about to cry and he doesn't want to again, he just finished sobbing minutes ago. His eyes hurt and his throat was raw, he was done crying.

"Well it happened, believe me or not, and it's over now so leave me alone about it." Niall demands unemotionally.

"No, listen to me. My house has an alarm system just like any other person, and Harry doesn't know the code to un-arm it. It would have gone off if he had left the house at some point." Liam debates.

Niall looks confused now, with the therapist telling him this. Liam wouldn't lie to him about this, so was Harry lying? Fuck. Niall just wanted everything back to the way it was before everything went wrong. When he didn't have to think so much.

"Unless..." Liam ponders.

"Unless? Don't say that." Niall begs painfully.

"The only time I wasn't watching him was that night I had to come back here and look over some patient files, but Abby was home, she wouldn't have let him go out on his own." Liam reassures.

Niall stops for a moment, thinking about Liam's fair point, then something clicks in his brain and everything makes sense. Not that he like the conclusion he has come to though. He thinks maybe he could kill a few people and not care because of what he had just figured out.

"Liam." Niall warns, his eyes darken and he slowly sits up. "I thought your chick's name was Bee..." he says gritting his teeth.

"I call her Bee, her name is Abby. Why?" Liam looks afraid of Niall.

"Oh I don't know." he says sarcastically, words seeping with rage. "Was Harry terrified of her by any chance?" Niall smiles so angrily at Liam.

"Fuck. No, no, no. So it was true? Dammit!" Liam scrapes his hands over his face. "I'm such an idiot."

Niall's anger lifts to a whole higher level suddenly. "What are you talking about?"

"He told me that Abby was his step-sister and she used to... um, do things to him. But later he told me it was a misunderstanding. That is wasn't my Abby. But... oh," Liam pauses. "Does that mean, Abby and Harry..." Liam stops again and looks disgusted, with himself maybe.

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