You Weren't Supposed to See That

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First chapter! Inspired partially by Halsey's Badlands, the rest was my wild imagination.


"Hey! Finn, wait up!" Footsteps approached behind him, running up quickly.

Finn stopped walking and turned around, smiling at his friend Sam as he ran the last couple yards.

He finally caught up to Finn, doubling over slightly as he tried to catch his breath. Finn chuckled as Sam drew in deep, unsteady breaths.

"You gonna live, Sam? Or should I call 911?" Finn asked jokingly.

Sam gave him a light smack on the shoulder as he laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny." Sam replied sarcastically. "Anyways..."

"Oh no." Finn said, watching as Sam averted his eyes with a smile.

"Sarah's having a party tomorrow night." Sam finished, winking at Finn.

"No...." Finn paused to shake his head. "No, no, no, no, no."

"Don't you like her?" Sam raised his eyebrows and gave Finn a quizzical look.

"Yeah, when I was eleven." Finn rolled his eyes. "I'm sixteen and you know I don't do parties."

"Right. I forgot you're Mr. Socially Awkward Geek." Sam sighed. "Fine, have it your way. I'll see you Monday."

With that, Sam left Finn to go in the direction of his house.

Finn sighed and continued walking. The streets were eerily quiet, except for a car passing every now and then. That's how it was most days and Finn didn't mind the silence. It gave him time to think.

He took out his phone and tucked his earbuds into his ears, the music always helped after a stressful day of school.

He hummed quietly along to the tunes playing in his ears, and he felt calm.

However, his peace didn't last very long.

"Get down!" A voice yelled, and he was tackled to the ground.

Finn's body rolled onto the grass and panic flooded through his body. He immediately turned his gaze upwards and was met by an arm wrapping around his neck.

He was dragged to his feet and his breathing picked up as he tried to escape.

His struggles stopped when he felt a gun pressed to the side of his head.

His earbuds had fallen out and he could hear what the people were saying clearly.

"One more step and I'll shoot." A feminine voice said, but it was hard and steely.

He looked up to see five approaching figures, all wearing masks and covered in black clothes.

He tried to look back at the girl holding him, but her grip around him was too tight.

"Let him go, Dyer." One of the masked figures spoke, their voice muffled.

The girl didn't comply, but instead pressed the gun harder against Finn's head, and a whimper escaped his lips.

"Now, Natalia." The same figure said, their voice more firm than the last time.

"No." Natalia growled, her finger beginning to press onto the trigger.

No, no, no, Finn couldn't die. He was sixteen for god's sake.

"Have it your way, then, Dyer." The figure spoke once more.

Before Finn could register it, the gun dropped from his head and fell to the dying grass below. The grip around him fell, too.

Finn turned around to face the now unconscious girl. Her medium length brown hair spilled out around her head like a stain. She was dressed in a black tank top and black jeans, a gun holster strapped to her thigh and a knife in her belt, and her look was completed with fingerless gloves.

She looks like she's from a movie, Finn thought to himself.

Before he could register anything else, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. His vision began to go blurry, and he stumbled around, his head pounding.

"Sorry, kid." A voice buzzed in his ears.

Finn fell to the ground, his body becoming limp and numb, he fought to keep his eyes open.

He saw shoes step into his view, black boots.

"You weren't supposed to see that."

Just a chapter to get things started. The next chapter will (hopefully) be better. I hope you guys enjoyed!!!!

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