Give It Up

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I was going to update Colors but then I got writers block, so here's this😝


Finn glanced over at Noah, who seemed to be comforting Millie. From what, Finn didn't know. The girl sitting next to Noah seemed more fragile than the girl he first ran into. Still intimidating, still secretive, still dangerous, just not as aggressive.

Finn could see it in the way she would turn her vacant stare from the ground, to Noah, to their hands.

Something had happened to her.

And he desperately needed to know what.

Millie looked up and caught his eye, blinking at him like she didn't recognize him, before a flicker of acknowledgment flashed across her features.

"Hey, you okay, Mills?" Noah asked, grasping her hand.

Millie turned back to him and nodded, sneaking a quick glance back at Finn before training her eyes on the floor. The silence reigned over the group until the scraping of bricks against bricks was heard.

"I finished the recalibrations and all but I'm not sure-" Caleb cut himself off when he looked up from the gun in his hands to meet Millie's gaze.

He fumbled with the gun for a second, before placing it down on the table and approaching Millie.

As soon as he was in front of her, Caleb grasped her shoulders firmly, attempting to get her blank gaze to meet his eyes.

"Brown, are you alright?" He asked gently. "The dosage in the dart Sadie used was higher than usual-"

"Knock it off, Caleb." Noah said quietly.

Caleb turned to look at him, inhaling deeply through his nose before he let go of Millie's shoulders. He walked over to the table, taking a seat next to Gaten.

"I'm fine, McLaughlin." Millie answered a few moments later.

Caleb looked up at her, eyes wide like he wasn't expecting a response, but then he broke into a small smile.

"So, I know you won't tell me what just happened or really why I'm here, but can someone at least explain what's happening up there?" Finn spoke, tired of being quiet at this point.

"Up there?" Noah asked quickly.

Millie slowly looked up at Finn, a new light of challenge swirling in her eyes, almost daring him to continue.

Finn turned his gaze to Noah.

"Yeah." Finn said, a frown setting across his lips. "What's happening up there that calls for guns and killing?"

"Wolfhard, I-"

Noah stopped speaking when Millie patted his hand, giving him a quick glance before turning back to Finn.

"A war." She said plainly.

"Of?" Finn pressed on, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Survival." Millie replied, sighing deeply.

"But why?" Finn continued, stepping towards Millie.

Gaten turned to look at Caleb, who was already out of his seat. Millie turned her sharp gaze to him and he froze in his steps. After a few moments, he sighed is defeat, turning and sitting back down at the table. Millie sniffed and nodded.

After looking at Caleb for a few more seconds, Millie's mysterious, murky brown eyes met Finns.

"It started out years ago." Millie began, studying Finn carefully as if she was debating if she should tell him. "Probably around twelve years, maybe."

"How'd it start?" Finn asked, his unblinking eyes focused on Millie, awaiting for her to continue.

"Ever heard of Project MKUltra?" Millie asked, tilting her head, inspecting him.

"Yeah..." Finn mumbled unsurely.

Millie narrowed her eyes into a glare.

"Yeah, we studied it in school." Finn spoke up.

Millie's gaze softened. "Let's just say they tried to recreate it. Pretty remote experiments at first. Some people were willing, others were victims. Then it got out."

Finn looked at her expectantly, as did the other three boys. While Finn waited with anticipation sparking from his form, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb looked on worriedly.

"Radiation combined with the drugs from some of the experiments and it turned into a virus. One of the scientists got freaked out, tried to report it to whoever he could." Millie turned her eyes to stare at the ground. "While some believed him, they were never able to find the base. The entire operation was reportedly closed May 3rd, 2008."

Millie began to nervously fiddle with her fingers, until Noah grasped her hands in his own, meeting her gaze and calming her down.

Millie swallowed, and continued. "May 5th, 2008, Dr. Price, the one who tried to tell, went missing and was never seen again. There had been no other reports for a few months of this mock up project, no virus, no nothing. And then somebody else went missing."

"Dr. Sinclair, whose records they had traced back into the project, disappeared." Millie then met Finn's gaze, matching his wide, brown eyes with her sharp, focused glare. "It continued like that for years. Somebody would vanish and they always connected the dots to the project."

"But why is it still going on? The project was shut down." Finn said with a confused frown.

"No, it wasn't." Millie corrected him with a huff. "Far from shut down. The events all those years ago, those were just the beginning."

She paused and Finn stared at her, the other three boys looking at each other.

"As of right now, we're living it."

Short chapter and I wasn't trying to give too much away but I suck at planning so here.

I'm hoping to update soon but I really don't know.

This story is crazy.

Anyways, comment your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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