New Boy

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Second chapter! I decided I was just going to write a bunch and then publish them all at the same time. It's easier for me.

Anyways, enjoy!!!!

You weren't supposed to see that.

Finn could still feel the words bouncing around his fuzzy brain, echoing, as he awoke to a bright light, causing him to squint.

With a groan, he forced his sore limbs to move as he sat up. His head was pounding like a jack hammer as he attempted to stand. He managed after stumbling about a few times.

He finally realized that the bright light had actually been the sun, and he was in an alleyway, filled with garbage and filth.

"Check that alleyway!" A voice sounded, and footsteps approached quickly.

Finn got a horrible sense of something like deja vu as he, with a shudder, dove behind some trash to hide.

The footsteps stopped moments later in front of the alley.

"All clear." A man's voice echoed, sending shivers down Finn's spine.

The footsteps retreated and Finn peeked over his shoulder to check to see if the coast was clear.

After about three seconds, he turned back around, only to come face to face with a gun pointed at his head.

"Sorry, kid, but trying to sneak by us doesn't work." A woman's voice was muffled beneath her mask.

She cocked her gun.

"It never does." She said, her finger that was poised on the trigger starting to pull it.

Finn closed his eyes, preparing for the inevitable pain and his death.

Instead, he got an ear shattering bang, and it wasn't from the gun in front of him.

Finn opened his eyes to look up at the woman, who now had a hole in her chest, and blood was spilling from it.

Finn couldn't help but crawl back away from her as her body collapsed and her gun fell from her grasp.

He looked up and around at the rooftops, and he finally spotted a figure.

She was dressed in a black top with a black leather jacket, with ripped jeans and black combat boots. Her hair was straight, shoulder length, and blond, and her bangs nearly hung over her black sunglasses. In her hand was a smoking gun.

She was staring at him, or at least Finn thought she was. He couldn't tell what her eyes were looking at because of the shades covering them.

She jumped down from the rooftop, landing skillfully on her feet.

She looked back up at him and tilted her head, holstering her gun.

She walked over to him, lowering her glasses slightly as he looked up at her in shock.

"What're you, new here?" She said, her voice cold and steely.

"You..." Finn backed away slightly, and looked towards the body that the girl stood next to. "You... killed her."

"I'll take that as a yes." The girl said. "And she was going to kill you. If you're new, you haven't been captured or brainwashed. I can't risk losing anyone."

"What?" Finn furrowed his brows and blinked rapidly.

"This way!" A voice sounded, followed by hurried footfalls. Finn and the girl both looked to the entrance of the alley.

The girl shook her head and grabbed Finn's wrist, and his head whipped back around to face her.

"What are you-"

"No time to lose." The girl cut him off and pulled him to his feet. "You can either come with me, or be caught and locked up and later killed."

Finn nodded and the girl dragged him over to one of the buildings that enclosed the alley.

She quickly selected one brick and pushed it in. A large area of the wall moved and opened, dust flying as it parted.

The girl pulled him inside and the wall closed. They stood in a dark room, and it could probably hold at least five people.

The girl pulled something out of her pocket, but Finn couldn't see what it was.

She struck it against the wall and a small flame burst to life.

Finn watched as she kneeled down, using the small fire as a light, and pushed down on the floor.

A small square sank into the floor and parted, revealing a ladder underneath it.

"Get in." The girl said firmly, shoving him towards the opening in the floor.

Finn quickly climbed down the ladder, and the girl wasn't far behind. She closed the opening and blew out the match as she made her way down.

Finn's feet hit the ground and he shuddered as he stepped in water.

The girl jumped the last few bars and landed next to him, not minding the thin layer of water touching her shoes.

There were lanterns hanging on the ceiling, providing a view of a dimly lit and filthy sewer.

"Oh, gosh." Finn held his nose once he got a whiff of the air.

"Toughen up." The girl growled and marched forward.

Finn hurried and nearly had to sprint to keep up with her.

They walked in silence for a few moments, before she broke it.

"Name." It wasn't a question, but an order, and it was something he didn't want to refuse considering she had a gun strapped to her thigh.

"Finn. Finn Wolfhard." Finn answered nervously.

"Where am I?" He asked, trying to see clearly through the poorly lit underground.

She didn't turn to look at him, but instead tucked her sunglasses into her jacket pocket, revealing her sparkling brown eyes. After a few minutes, she answered.

"The Land of the Outcasts, the Badlands, there's a lot of names for this place." Her voice was firm and no emotion bled through.

"Why am I here?" He tried once more.

She stopped in her tracks, looking ahead with a steely, unreadable expression.

"You saw something you weren't supposed to see."

Annnnddddd until next chapter! Love ya!!!

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