Blood on the lockers

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General POV~~~
"So have you meet anyone else?"
Finn asked Millie as free the left the class
"Well,the teacher and this annoying boy named Troy."
Finn face went from relaxed to tense and worried
"Millie, promise me if he tries to talk to you to ignore him." Finn stood in front of her stopping her. His gaze was fixed on her brown eyes, he was very worried, he knew Troy and all the trouble he could get someone into.
"Uh sure, what's wrong with him? He seemed ok?"
"Well,he-uh he just sorta."
He took a deep breath
"It's not important just don't say anything to him ok?"
Millie hated secrets, secrets were the reason she was in this dumb town. She wanted to cry because her only friend was already keeping secrets from her.
" ok Finn, I promise,but you have to tell me why later ok?"
He nodded,still with a worried look on his face.
They had most classes together right after lunch the two separate because Finn had to get a library book.
Millie opens her locker to see a note float gently down to the ground. She read it carefully
" meet me behind the bleachers right after school."
Her palms were sweaty. She was really worried she knew deep down in her gut who it was
She figured not to tell Finn, she didn't want to him to worry.
"What's that?"
He asked right behind her. She jumped and
Let out a little squeak. He had forgot how jumpy she was. She was still a little shocked how serious he got. He always seemed pretty laid back and joked a lot, a little annoying sometimes. But it worried her more when he was serious.
"N-nothing important." He shifted his weight to one side. He knew when she was lying, but he knew she still wasn't completely comfortable around him yet, but he didn't know why she was the way she was yet. But he was determined to find out.
"So what is the fifth period ?"
"It's actually speech class, it's my least favorite class." He grumbled. She stopped, her heart seemed to stop and drop.
"A-speech? Your joking right? We already saw what happened when I spoke in front of the first class!" He saw her eyes get watery,tears threaten to spill over.
He grabbed her arm softly
"Hey, you'll be fine! I'll be right there with you I promise."
She was shocked again to see him being sensitive to her.
"Thanks Finn." She mumbled softly.
She glanced around to see if anyone saw no one seemed to notice except one pair of eyes her stomach started to roll into knots
They were Troys, Finn noticed him to he told her to go to the classroom and he would catch up. She reluctantly agreed, once she was in the classroom she peered out so she could she what was going on
"Listen Troy, it's her first day and she isn't comfortable! And besides.....I saw her first."
Was he? Did he just? Does he like me? Millie was flustered, but before she got to deep in her thought there was aloud bang. She looked up to see Finns pain stricken face and his back pressed up against the lockers
Troys was pressing him hard
Millie wanted to go and push Troy away but she knew it was useless, she just watched powerless to stop him
"Listen here, wolfboy, I take what I want and you can't stop me, so don't get to attached because she'll be mine before next week."
He slammed Finns head against the lockers one last time before he stormed off. Millie ran to Finns side
"Finn! Finn wake up please! Are you ok?!"
He fluttered his eyes open slowly
He grabbed her hand.
"Millie, I swear I won't let him look at you without hearing from me first." Before she could say anything else. She noticed something behind Finns head against the lockers.....
Blood, he bleed, this boy she barely knew was willing to get beat up for her.
She looked doubtful of his promise. So many promises had been broken the words didn't mean anything to her anymore. He grabbed her chin so her gaze meet his.
"Millie, I don't break my promises."

HEYOOOOOO, so wow 24 reads I thought I would get like -2 reads 😂
Honestly I didn't really like
How this chapter turned out but I promise the next will be better!

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