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Millie's POV~~~
"MB, you can't be serious."
"What, you scared? If the mighty Finn Wolfhard, scared ?"
Gaten laughs
"Millie is my new favorite in the group." Everyone laughs, but Finn, he grabs by hand in defense.
I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back.
"I'll do it only because you're so adorable." He puts the tip of his finger on my nose.
We walk towards the tattoo parlor, I grab Finns arm and stop him.
"Finn,this isn't a good idea I was just joking."
"No I want to."
"Please don't! This is permanent! What about your parents?"
He thinks for a minute.
"I'll just tell them it's sharpie." He continues walking, the rest of the group walk in after us.
"What do you kids want?"
"A tattoo."
"How old are you?"
Finn lied
"16, I'm the only one getting one."
He looked like he could maybe be a 16 year old, not really but this guy didn't seem to care.
Finn handed him a sketch out of his pocket, the man looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
I stood on my tip toes trying to see, but I'm not quite tall enough.

Finn sits in a grey leather chair.
"Finn seriously, think about it!" I plead, I didn't think he would take it this far.
"Millie, I have my mind made up."
For a 14 year old, he was pretty irresponsible.
"So where you want it kid?"
Finn pointed to his shoulder, he pulled up the sleeve of his t-shirt.
"No bigger than a quarter." I chipped in before the man began, he just grunted in response.
Finn didn't show his pain but would grit his teeth once and a while.
Finn had told his friends not to let me see so I was in the back while the watched.
The artist finally finished and handed Finn a mirror, he seemed pleased then walked up to me.
"Can I please see it now!" I begged he slowly rolled up his sleeve the reveal two letters, MB.
"Finn." I breathed out, I thought he would get like a gun or a wolf or something he would regret later. Sadie started jumping up and down and Noah was still mad that Finn did it.
He pulled me into a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I was busy 😬, I could really use some suggestions on my other fanfic 'kidnapped' I really enjoy writing it but am struggling to come up with things

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