could it be love?

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Millie's POV~~~
Finn and I have been talking for two hours, he has an amazing life, my dream life, a loving family he never had to worry about money or there being food on the table, I didn't tell him everything, I don't like it when people pity me.
I call Charlie and he agrees to let me spend the night with my friend, I just don't have to specify he's a boy. Finn was the one who brought it up and Nick could care less.
"So, did you really think you were being kidnapped?" He asked me
"Obviously! I thought I was gonna die it was awful." He laughed
"I'm not that much taller than you! If you would have looked you could have kinda it was me!"
"Your lucky I didn't punch you." I grumble.
"You would have ruined my beautiful face." He says with a floppy hair flip, he doesn't have enough hair to do it but it's still funny.
"You sure about that?" I asked
"Alright that's it."
He wraps his arms under my armpits and lift me off the bed,a giggle escapes me, it's the only noise that can get out.
He tosses me, not hard, into his closet and locks it.
A bang on the door not hard, it would be weird if Nick came in.
"Come on Finn, let me out."
"I don't have to do boo, you asked for it."
I look around his closet trying to find something the hit on the door.
"Finn really I'm claustrophobic!" I say with a frantic voice and short, panicky breaths
I squat down to the floor of the closet and hit the door again.
He throws the door open and grabs me off the ground.
"Millie I'm so sorry! I had no idea!"
He fell for it.
Then I shove him in the closet.
He gives me a shocked face before slam the door on it.
"How could you!"
I laugh.
"You reap what you sow!" I giggle again.
I hear him sigh.
"Will you trust me more if I'm in here?" He asked, I really hadn't thought about it, I put my back on the door and slide down.
"What would you being in a closet have to do with me trusting you?"
"I dunno."
We sit in silence for a moment then I let him out.
He grabs my hand and we go downstairs
"So you hungry?"
"No thanks."
"No wonder you're so small,you never eat!"
"Well that should be a good thing considering how much you lift and throw me!" We laugh he gets me a drink and him some chips.
"So are you ready to meet my friends tomorrow?" I shift in my seat.
"I guess, they probably already hate me."
Finn slaps my arm.
"Don't say that! They'll love you! And if they don't then I'll just ditch them."
I look intently into his eyes.
"You'd ditch all your friends to be with me?"
I asked, utterly shocked, Finn seemed like the boy who had a girlfriend just for the fun of it, not because he felt something.
"Of course, I lov-" he let it slip out on accident, he looked at my quickly checking to see if I hear, I did, and I'm glad, is this what love feels like? I hope so because it's the best thing ever.
"Finn, did you just?" I didn't know how to finish. Luckily he did.
"Millie, listen I don't know how to tell you, but I do, I do love you, you're my best friend and I'm so happy you're here." He looks into my amber eyes.
"I-I love you to Finn." I stammer, I just want to be his girlfriend and him to be my boyfriend officially. I look down at my feet then intertwine our fingers, we gaze into each other's eyes for what seems like years then he grabs my chin with his free hand and guides my lips to his, this feeling is what I live for, it's like the world is perfect and so are we, like we've known each other since birth even though we met a month ago. We finally separate because we needed air,but Finn brings out lips together again, but before he can again Nick decides to interrupted
"Look, I love y'alls baby love or whatever but could you stop? I'm trying to watch dance moms." Neither of us noticed he'd come in, let alone turned on the tv. We both run up to Finns room.
"So are you officially my girlfriend?" He asks
"Yes of course."
"Good, I knew when I met you this would happen. Annnnnd I have an excuse to beat up Troy."
"I don't think that excuse would work on a principal." I laugh
"Gosh I hate Troy!"
"Finn, hates a strong word."
"So is love."
A/N: hey guys! It would mean the world to me if you could check out my other two fan fics LOVE AND LIGHT 💜

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