Netflix and poptarts

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Finns POV~~~
It's official, this girl is making me crazy! I never thought I could feel like this, like my parents said they did when they meet, I pray she feels the same.
"Finnie......." I say
Her face goes from a wide smile to a anxious slate
"Y-you don't like it do you." She looked down at her feet. I pull her into a loose hug, not to close but still close.
"Millie, I'm kidding! I like it, it has a nice ring to it." I put her in a head lock and mess up her hair. Which made it curly and fluffy, it's adorable. She got mad at me, and punched my arm when I started almost crying I was laughing so hard.
"MB! It's just your hair! No ones here!"
She was still furious at me. She was cute when she was med but I felt bad.
"Hey, my brother has some hair gel..... wanna go to my house." I was nervous she would say no but didn't show it. She made a weird grumbling noise and agreed
"Listen Finnie boi, don't ever mess with my hair again." She flicked me, then giggled, I was glad she didn't hold a grudge. I was thinking of more things to ask her.....her parents! I haven't asked about her parents. I was a little nervous about asking her about this though. Maybe I shouldn't, I mean, they might be the reason she is her.
"So, what's your favorite show?"
She put her fingers on her chin and pondered for a while, not to long though.
"Hmmmmm, I haven't watched a lot of tv lately I've been busy before I moved, what about you."
Me, being the professional talker I am had my answer pre-planned
"I really like the walking dead and the flash."
"What's the walking dead?"
Is she serious? I know she's from England but really? SHE HAS TO WATCH IT WITH ME
"It's the most amazing show on television and we're going to go watch it!" I grabbed her wrist again meaning to lead her to my home, but like before she pulled away, but this time she winced in pain, crap I forgot again, crap crap crap why am I so stupid, I'll just play it off like nothing happened. Instead of addressing it i just grabbed her hand gently instead. Looking into her eyes to make sure it was ok.
"Lets go." She said plainly
After we arrived at my front door, her face looked astonished.
"Wow, you have a nice house." She said her eyes full of wonder.
"My parents aren't home right now but my brother nick is here." I opened the door. And we walked in. I told her to go find the couch and I'll get some snacks.
I grabbed whatever we had. I told my butler not to ask her anything yet I got her a coke and some pop tarts for us to share. My parents didn't like unhealthy food so that was pretty much the only non vegan thing we had. It was just because my brother and I had complained so much they finally agreed.
I walk over to the couch and put on the Netflix and found season 1
She giggled that cute little giggle that I am slowly falling in love with
"What's so funny?" I ask
"I'm trying Netflix and pop tarts for the first time."
"This is a momentous accession! We have to celebrate!"
She started so singing a silly little jingle

A/N :
WOOOOOOOOOOW 50 reads that's super crazyyyyyyyyy. Tysm for all you guys support and sorry for the super lame ending 😬 I  really enjoyed writing in Finns perspective tho ! I am about to start a new story but I plan to keep this one going for a little while longer!

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