The Memebros and their Meme Rivals.

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Notes: I don't know how long I took to make this, but I'm very sorry about it. I was quite busy with stuff: my mom and my school. I can't handle the pressure they were pushing me so I had to take a break for a while. By means, typing more and more stories until I can't feel my fingers. I wrote three whole stories within two days. Different kinds. So, I'm saying it right now... You might see an update of me uploading a new story while this and my KageHina one are still ongoing.

Anyway, thank you for supporting this. I love you guys and please do keep on supporting it. Thank you very much.

WARNING: I will put this every time because I feel like I still lack at it. Poor English grammar is ahead! Please do cooperate with me until I fix my weakness! Thank you!


Bokuto Koutarou - Blah Blah Blah

Kuroo Tetsurou - Blah Blah Blah

Guest #1 - Blah Blah Blah

Guest #2 - Blah Blah Blah


" Heh, this is pretty neat. I thought you wouldn't contact us. "

"Oh, shut up. You both know you guys would be here."

" It took you 3 weeks to make up your mind. "

" Bokuto's wife, Akaashi, finally contacted us regarding this show. "

"I told you, we were making an upgrade... and why Akaashi contacted you?"

" Bokuto can't do shit. "

"True that... Alright, let's start this. Welcome back, viewers! Thank you for supporting this show. But despite the late invitation for our guests, we had our special fans who continued sending us questions. We would like to thank you guys personally... but..."

" Wow. Your introduction is quite shady, Kuroo. "

"Shut up... I'm getting embarrassed by this."

" Why? I'm happy that we have our biggest fans! "

" This guy doesn't get nervous at all. "

"Alright, back to the topic. Today's guests are... Please introduce yourself."

" On it! Hello~ I'm Iwaizumi's handsome wingman, Hanamaki. It's a pleasure to meet you all. "

" Hello. Matsukawa Issei here. I'm Oikawa's wingman. "

" Wow! "

"Wait, if you guys are the wingmen of those two... Why didn't you do your job?"

" Do we look like we're slacking? "

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