Hinata's little replica and Bokuto's son

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Notes: OH MY GOSH. Yes, YES, I am aware how long it took me to update. I was... how should I say it... stressed. Yes, I'm so stressed that I couldn't update. I had this writer's block for a WEEK. It even complicate my work in school, as I couldn't write a fiction story for my next story project... SIGH. Also... after the next chapter ( you can see the next guest at the end ) I will be doing something special so STAY TUNE!

WARNING: I will put this every time because I feel like I still lack at it. Poor English grammar is ahead! Please do cooperate with me until I fix my weakness! Thank you!


Bokuto Koutarou - Blah Blah Blah

Kuroo Tetsurou - Blah Blah Blah

Guest #1 - Blah Blah Blah

Guest #2 - Blah Blah Blah


" I missed everyone so much! You, camera #4! Did you missed me?! Ooohh, you're nodding your head! I see! I, too, missed you!"

"We only have one camera, Bokuto! Didn't we used this joke before?!"

" I just missed them! "

"Yeah, we're really sorry for taking such a long break. It's just that... our show reached a lot of views and received a lot of comments! We tried our best, but we failed... No, mostly because Bokuto failed his math exam once again."

" I thought you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!? "

"Did Akaashi do the same thing?"

" Huh? Yeah, he did... "

"It's because you're an idiot."

" Why you- "

"Ah, our guests are adorable today! Please let's welcome... Hinata Natsu-chan and Semi Eita-kun!"

" Hinata? Wait, Hinata is here again- whoa! You shrunk, Hinata! "

"No, no. That's not Shouyou, Bokuto. That's his little sister, Natsu-chan."

" Hello! "

" Now that you mention it... She looks like Hinata! "

" It's because they are related. "

" And you look like Sugawara! "

" Huh?! "

"Anyway, Natsu-chan, how are you liking the set? Is it too hot?"

" It's not... But I like the cookies! They're delicious! "

"Aahh... I feel so fresh upon seeing this smile."

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