Chapter 6

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update since ages. School started and everything got so hectic and busy. I'm so sorry, but I'm updating now so please read the chapter and tell me how it is, thanks guys! And also my best friend wrote part of this chapter so special shout outs to her, unfortunately she's not on Wattpad but I'm convincing her, anyways enjoy...😊❤️
~ MP (your author)
Unedited (sorry for mistakes)

Charles P.O.V

Im sitting at an ice cream shop eating my delicious chocolate chip cookie ice cream while thinking about what happened today at the beach. I thought at first that there was something wrong with Daisy but now I'm sure she has some sort of power that controlled the water. I always saw an aura around her. I need to find out how the water just froze. To be honest I was quite frightened at first because I thought she was possessed but now I'm curious. Just plain curious.

"Excuse me, are you done with this"

Ugh the horrible waitress was back. When I sat down at least three came my way. I saw one glare at the other two and she literally sashayed towards me. That had made me want to puke. Not that vampires don't like attention, I prefer cute and shy girls. So she came up to me to ask my order all the while running her eyes shamelessly over me. I told her what I wanted and she left with that Seductive tone. Now she was back with the bill and I don't think she was going to go without my attention on her. So I smiled at her. That set her off.

"I was thinking do you want to go to this enchanted party on Saturday? I mean we could totally hit it off. "

She smiled at me with a hint of lust in her eyes. I knew this was going to go down low and very low. So I gave her the best reply.

"Yeah sure but what are you going as?"
"I was thinking Cinderella and you could be my Prince Charming"
she actually leaned in and purred that.

"Cinderella I think that's very naive and innocent. You should go as someone more cunning and bold."

"What do you suggest sweetheart?"
She leaned over so much I had to tilt my head back in disgust.

"Hmm what about an ugly stepsister? That would suit you perfectly. "
I replied coolly.
The look on her face was worth it and she literally glared at me and got up with a face as red as a tomato.

"If you could you could've said yes but you're gonna miss out on a lot"

Saying that she sashayed off.
Love myself don't I? I got up with a satisfied smirk and drove to the only man I could think of.
I reached an old ridden down house at the outskirts of the city. Not a lot of people come here but this man is definitely going to answer my questions.
I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. I knock again but no one opens it. This gets me worried so I knock the door down. It's weak and falls down with a loud THUD! Vampires don't need to try much anyway.
I run in and go to the study room. It's open so I push it and see James lying on the floor. Blood drained and dead. I lean over him and shake him in panic but he doesn't wake up. He's dead and I can't do anything about it. Just as I Lean down his eyes open and his hands at the speed of lightning grab my throat painfully and then he smiles and lunges for me...

Daisy's P.O.V

Everything's back to normal after the so called incident at the beach, well everything is nearly back to normal, I haven't seen Charles since the day at the beach. I don't even know where he is!! I just hope he's okay, I just want to meet him and see the beautiful sparkle in his eyes, that wonderful aura of his. Oh and how can I forget his beautiful smile, his plump, pink and juicy lips, oh they're so kissabl... what are you doing Daisy, shut up, you cant think that about your neighbour. You're very hot neighbour... I get up from my very comfortable position on my bed and make my way to my bathroom for a very long awaited hot shower with some music to go along.

Charles P.O.V

Things have been very complicated lately. I don't know what to do. After my encounter with James, I'm just very confused and sort of annoyed aswell to be honest.


Just as I Lean down his eyes flash open and his hands at the speed of lightning grab my throat painfully and then he smiles and lunges for me. I quickly move out of the way only to see him fall to the ground with a loud thud. A deep growl escapes from the back of this throat as he positions himself in a very attacking stance. I also position myself, hands and legs on the floor, in a protective position.

"James, what happened to you, you were a very good mate of mine!"

I wait for him to reply but don't receive one so I continue.

"James, who did this to you, I promise I will help you. You grew up with my dad, you're like my second father. I can't see you like this, please James, say something..."

I trailed off, not knowing how to finish off my rather weird emotional speech. James then slowly sits down cross legged on the ground leaning against a cream white wall with the paint literately coming off.

"Charles, I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have believed him. Aghhh, I'm so stupid!!!!"

James yells while pulling his hair so strongly that I thought he'll rip it out.

"Believe who, James?" I reply while sitting down next to him.

"The... the man..." James says barely audible.

"James, James, stay with me James!" I say and carry him towards my car.

I quickly put him in, and drive fast to the nearest secret vampire hospital nearby hoping for the best.

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