Chapter 1

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Stark Tower. That's where I'm going. The tallest building in New York. This guy must be full of himself.

Normally I get a file of some sort. This guy was an idiot! All I was given was my money, his name, and where he lives. Not much to go on. I need what he likes, people close to him, his occupation, where I could find him on nights, ect. This sucks! This might be the easiest assignment ever though.

There it is. I thought. StarkTower. Heregoesnothing.

I parked my sleek black mustang in a nearby parking lot and stepped out. I walked forward and noticed everyone staring at me. I shot back glare rays through my dark black sunglasses. If you haven't noticed, black is my color. Ever since my parents died in a car accident that I was in but survived.

Oh who am I kidding, my parents were in the car with me in the back. We were visiting New York for the summer. Then we stopped in the freeway. There was some kind of fight going on with some superheroes and a villain. The villain used our car to attack and we were thrown into some man in an iron suit. I completely blacked out. When I woke up I was outside the car and a man in a black jumpsuit was hovering over me.

" She's still alive!" the man yelled.

" I wish I could say the same for he parents." said a guy with a crazy american flag suit thing.

" Mom?! Dad?!" I yelled running over to there lifeless bodies.

I cried. I couldn't stop.

" It's okay we can take you to the nearest home if you'd like." said the black jumpsuit guy.

I couldn't think so I ran. I ran back to Indiana.

I was 14 then, now I'm 29. I hid my grieving through my job. And I wore black to remind me of that day.

But that was then. This is now.

So I walked. Suddenly I got so caught up in the people staring at me, I ran into something, or someone, and I fell to the ground.

" Somebody wasn't looking where they were going." chuckled a man.

" You're going to pay for that one day." I said. Then I noticed he had a bodyguard.

" Feisty girl huh." he said. " I like that. So what's your name beautiful?"

" Kaylee Roe. Call me Roe. And you are?" I asked.

" Tony Stark." he said. Here's the guy I was looking for. Well he's obviously pretty big if he has a bodyguard. I'll have to get close to him so nobody would suspect that I did it.

" Would you want to come to my house for an evening dinner?" Tony asked. This guy is to easy.

" I have nothing else to do. Sure." I answered.

" See ya tonight then." He said walking into his tower.

I walked back to my car and looked at my supplies in the trunk. I packed everything needed.

" Where is it? Aha! There it is!" I pulled out my only dress. A thin black long dress that has a cut to show my leg. It tugs at my body just the right way and shows off my curves. " Perfect."

~ Evening ~

I walked to the entrance of Stark Tower. My new black heels clicking on the sidewalk. I rung the doorbell and the door slid open. I walked in taking a deep breath. I tucked my knife in my purse in case I had to make a quick kill. I can kill someone with a feather if I wanted to, but knifes are more my style.

" Hello, Kaylee." Tony said from somewhere.


Hi guys!

So do you guys like Kaylee?

Next chapter we'll see what goes on at the date.

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! See ya guys later! :D!!!!

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