Chapter 13

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Aria's p.o.v

"You need to drink your medicine" Daddy told me holding a spoon with some red thick liquid. We are back home and its been two days since the incident and I have had a fever thats slowly dieing down.

I didnt like the medicine it taste really bad. I shook my head no and hid my face in my teaddy bear.

I heard daddy sigh and slowly peeked at him. He was giving me a sad look. And I dont blame him , he broke his promiss he said no one would hurt me. Hey lied and I didnt like it.

" Aria please if you dont drink your medicine you wont gt better" he tried to persuade me. I was about to shake my head no but his next words made my eyes widen.

"This medicine is in strawberry flavor" I quickly crawled my way to him and opened my mouth so wide an elephant would fit.

I drunk the medicine and smiled that it did taste like strawberry and was actually sweet and not sour.

"See darling , now that you were a good girl and had your medicine I have a surprise"

I raised an eyebrow something I learned from him . All of a sudden Uncle Kol jumps in my room with a goofy grin.

I squealed and got off the and into his waiting arms.

He had gone on a trip for a few weeks and I really missed him.

"Uncle koala" I giggled at his nickname as he kissed my cheek.

"Hello there squirt " he smirked.

"I missed you" I said.

"Heheh so did I , thats why today id kol and aria day" he grinned

I squealed "really"

" Well I have some things to take care of kol im trusting you becareful" daddy said as he kissed my cheek goodbye.

"Go change aria we'll start with whatever you want" uncle kol said and I quickly went to get ready .

Hmm where should we go? Do you have any ideas?



Well do you ? please comment where they should go because I dont have that many good ideas.

sorry for the short chapter it was only a filler until I work out the next chapter.

Anyway please comment/vote and tell me what u would love to see more in this book.

xoxoxox Yara. btw I have snapchat -yarabahman ( just tell me you are from wattpad and everyone check out my Fangirl instagram - myteenfandom )

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