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Sophie Ignores the note on the floor furiously and marches to the door. The door slams in her face. She starts shaking the door handle with fear trying to open it but the door doesn't open. Sophie realises there is a home phone on the kitchen table .She races to the table and grabs the phone. She calls the police impatiently waiting for them to pick up "hello this is 911 what is your emerg.."
Sophie interrupts "yes ... yes there is someone in my house and it killed my cat and ... and I can't escape"
"Don't think you can escape , no one can help you Sophie " says the so called policemen
"Wha..what pardon ... how do you know my name " Sophie cries

The call hangs up. Sophie panics and attempts to call them again but the phone won't  turn back on she looks for the phone wire and realises it has been cut.

 Sophie panics and attempts to call them again but the phone won't  turn back on she looks for the phone wire and realises it has been cut

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She looks at the time it's 7 o'clock her mum was supposed to be home half an hour ago. Sophie hears a phone ringing in the toilet room she finds it in the sink smashed with the tap running. She quickly takes the phone out of the sink and turns the tap off. She looks at the glitchy smashed screen she sees she has 5 missed calls from her mum. A loud knock hammers on the door down stairs she finds another note on the fridge saying "if you call anyone else your mum is next"

Sophie picks up a chair and throws it at a window the window smashes to pieces and scatters on the ground. She goes to climb through the broken window into the back garden but sees a tall figure right at the end of the garden.

Sophie steps away from the window and runs to the toilet room and locks her self in

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Sophie steps away from the window and runs to the toilet room and locks her self in. She hears footsteps coming towards the locked door .  A pen and a knife slide under the door with blood stains. Sophie rips a bit of toilet paper and grabs the pen and writes the words "what do you want " she slides it under the door waiting for a reply.  A few seconds later a sticky note slides under the door saying " I want you ". Sophie steps away from the door and picks up the bloody knife for defence. Another note slides under the door " and now you are stepping away from the door thinking this narrow thin door between us can keep you safe" 
She grabs the pen and starts writing " yes actually , the door is locked " and slides it under. Another note slides through the door but this time the writing is in blood
" if you think this lock is protecting you , you are wrong .I could easily open this door and rip your throat out  but I want to play a game first... ever heard of hide and seek?"

"What happens if I don't play this game ?" This time Sophie says it.
A note reaches her feet " you don't have a choice"
The door unlocks.

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