The realisation

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Sophie knows her family should be home by now . she sprints to her messed up cluttered house with her cat still in the same position, Sophie wants this all to be a dream and wants her cat back but she knows this is reality and the cat is gone forever. A tear runs down her dry cheek. Her crying is interrupted by a scream behind her. It was her mum.
"What have you done to our cat!" Screamed her mum.
"Mum that .. that wasn't me I promise .. we need to get out of here " she grabs her mums arm and starts heading to the car but she is yanked back by her mum.
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who did this !"
Sophie finds a note on the floor she picks it up " if I am your conscience would that mean the cat was killed by ..." Sophie doesn't finish reading the note and drops the note on the ground .."no that wouldn't have been me .. I love my cat " Sophie whimpers .

"I'm checking the cctv cameras I need to know what horrible person did this " Sophie and her mum run to the laptop and begin to watch the footage. Sophie sees her self stabbing the cat several times with a pair of kitchen scissors and then starts to tie the cats neck with a piece of rope. Sophie's mum closes the laptop and before she shouts at her she notices the smashed window In the kitchen.
" what have you been doing Sophie ?" Yells her mum.
" I swear it's not what it looks like .. there was someone in the house ... look look ill show you the disturbing notes I've been getting " Sophie looks everywhere in the house and doesn't find a single note . They all just disappeared.
"Sophie ... your covered in glass and scratches " her mum grabs her arm and starts picking small chips of glass out.
" I'm scared Sophie ... I'm worried about you .. you killed our cat , you smashed a window and you have cut your self badly " Cries her mum.

" I know I look crazy but .." Sophie gets interrupted " Sophie .. you are telling me you are getting these so called notes which are obviously imaginary and our cat ..he's dead don't tell me that's normal "

Sophie doesn't say anything .. she couldn't tell her mum it was her conscience that would make her look even more mad. Sophie manages to ask " why did you come back so late anyway"
" I called you 5 times . I was in traffic for ages anyways you changed the subject.. I hate to say this but I'm worried about your mental health , come on we are going get in the car "

 I hate to say this but I'm worried about your mental health , come on we are going get in the car "

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Sophie knows what is  going to happen next so she bolts up the stairs and hides under her bed. She finds a note "look you are  in trouble now everyone thinks your crazy " Sophie goes to yell but then realises  she is hiding from her mum .

She finds another note "maybe this is a dream?"

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