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*at Haera house*

After a few months , Sejun came to Haera house . They're going to their university together . After they arrived , they meet Chan and Hanse at Cafe and they're heading to the class . After the class was finished , they're planning to go to theme park for release their tension . Heara goes to the toilet and not telling anyone , they thought Haera was missing and they all find Haera everywhere . Finally , Sejun met her

*at restaurant*

Chan and his friends goes to restaurant to meet Sejun and Haera . After they arrived , Chan yelling at her with angry voice directly "where are you going ? Why you didn't telling me ? Atleast Sejun or the others?" "Are you crazy ? If your parents found out about this , I'll die , you know?" Chan said . Haera looking at Chan with a scared face because before this she's never seen Chan being so angry . "I'm just going to the toilet and I'm sorry" Haera replied . Chan just sigh

*walking back to home*

Haera was crying because she's really scared of Chan and feel sorry to them . Sejun is walking with her and seeing Haera crying . "I'm sorry , i don't want to cry but i can't hold it anymore" Haera said . "It's okay , go on , i understand" Sejun replied . Sejun stopped and hug Haera . "i don't want you to cry after this , your face isn't pretty while crying , so please don't cry anymore , please being pretty for me" Sejun said . "Will you be mine ? I like you since i met you for the first time , i can't seeing you crying and it's really broke my heart . I'll make you happy until the end" Sejun said to Haera . Haera was really shocked and said "I'll think about it , will you wait for me ?" Sejun sigh and nodded his head . They're heading back to home together .

*at Haera room*

Haera was thinking hard about it and at the same time she's liked Sejun too and she think that she have to accept Sejun because he's really nice and Sejun is her types . Haera think about it until she's fallen asleep .

Me ; done for chapter two guys , yeay haha . Pls give comments about this chapter . I know it was kinda bored but I'll work hard for the next chapter . Thanks to ltychuu for editing chapter two pic for me .

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