Chapter 3 ; I LOVE YOU

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*at their university*

Haera met Sejun at their class and Sejun just looked at her . When Haera realised , Haera asked "why you looking at me?" . "do you already think about it ? What's the result?" Sejun asked . Haera just stay silent and read her book .

While at Cafe , Sejun and Haera eat their lunch together and Haera start the conversation . "about last night ..." Sejun looked at her . "about last night .." Haera giggling . "Why ?" Sejun asked . "I'll accept you as my boyfriend" Haera smile with shyness . Sejun's really happy and just laugh .

*walking back to home*

"Thanks for accepted me" Sejun said . "huh ? Oh okay" Haera said and stay silent . Sejun want to hold her hand and Haera was really shy until her face red . After they arrived at Haera home and want to say goodbye , Sejun said "hm take care and ... I love you" . Haera was shocked by his "iloveyou" and replied "i will and take care too . hm i love you too" . Sejun smiled at her and heading back to home .

*Sejun house*

After he arrived , suddenly he feels like he has a fever . His body was really cold and he take the medicine . The next day , Sejun can't get up and can't go to the university because he has no energy . Sejun just lying on his bed and fall asleep .

*at university*

Haera was waiting for Sejun to come but Sejun didn't appear until the class already done . Haera's really worried and call him . But he didn't answered the call . Haera get more worried and ask Chan to check him .

Me ; Done for chapter 3 , this is the short one and i hope you enjoy it . Pls wait for the next chapter

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