Chapter 4 ; IS HE FINE ?

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After the class already done , Chan heading to Sejun house to check him if he was fine or not . When he arrived , his mother open the door and invite him to her house . "Annyeonghaseyo" Chan said and bow . "Annyeonghaseyo , you want to meet Sejun right?" Sejun mom asked . Chan just nooded his head . "ahh , he's at upstairs , you can go to his room" Sejun mom said . Chan just bowed to Sejun mom and go to Sejun's room .

*knock knock*
Chan knocked the door and open it . He saw Sejun just laying on his bed . "Sejun-ah , are you okay?" Chan asked . Sejun turned around and sees Chan beside him and just nooded . "Do you need something Sejun-ah?" Chan worried about him and checked his body . "Ahh , your fever is high , let's go to meet doctor" Chan said . Sejun shaked his head means he don't want to go to see doctor . Chan just sigh and leave Sejun alone .

Chan called Haera to tell her about Sejun and Haera picking up the call . "Haera-ya , Sejun got fever but he doesn't want to meet doctor" Chan said . Haera's shocked "What ? Fever ? How is he ? Is he fine ? The fever is not too high right?" Haera worried . "Yes , not bad , i think he'll be fine after he takes more rest" Chan said . Haera just sigh .

The next day , Haera decided to go to his house to check if Sejun already fine or not .

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