Chapter Two

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Red wasn't sure how much time passed before she wake up. When she did, she realized she was in an unfamiliar bed. She seemed to be moving, too, as if she was on a boat. Head throbbing, she sat up and looked around. She was in a bedroom draped in purple, red, black and gold. There were blankets over her, her clothing was still intact.

“So you're up? Cap'n 'll be pleased,” a voice said. Red gasped and turned her head to a slightly shadowed corner. There was a boy sitting there, perched on a chair.

“W-who are you?” Red stammered out. The boy chuckled and walked over to the bed. His hair was a messy light brown, his eyes a bright green. He was tanned, a few freckles sprinkled over his nose.

“The real question is who are you. But, because you're probably terrified of me, I'll introduce myself. Name's Peter, I'm the first mate here.”

Red nodded slowly, confused. “First mate? Where am I? Oh, and my name is Red by the way, Red Everly.”

Peter frowned. “You mean you don't know? You came outta nowhere, just appeared on the deck. I've never seen someone like you before, never seen a lady wearing stuff like that. Anyways, the cap'n wasn't all that happy, see. Girls showin' up outta nowhere on his ship, well you could be anyone. Prolly woulda made you walk the plank if you hadn't passed out. Where ya from, anyways?”

Red frowned, her head hurt and Peter was making no sense. “Where am I now?” She asked instead of answering his questions.

“Well you're on the Devil's Delight, aren't ya? Best damn pirate ship around, ran by the very own Captain Valentine!” Peter grinned as he spoke, gesturing around.

“What do you mean, pirate ship? There haven't been pirates in like four hundred years, you're out of your mind!” Red thought she was going to cry, she didn't know what was going on.

“You musta hit your head pretty hard, huh. The year's 1659, lovely, and it's a pirate's life for us!” He grinned slightly, “probably should go get the cap'n, he doesn't like not knowing stuff. And well you musta lost your mind or somethin', forgetting the year and all.”

“You're right I don't,” a voice carried in from the doorway. “Peter, kindly leave the room. I need to have a word with our... guest.”

Peter paled and left the room without another word. Red pulled the blankets around her body tightly. “Oh relax, I'm not going to kill you. My name is Valentine, Captain Valentine. And you have caused quite a bit of trouble.”

Captain Valentine was handsome, Red noticed. His hair was a pale blonde, lightened by the sun and his eyes were a pale, silvery gray. He walked confidently over to the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder, studying her.

“I'm Red Everly,” Red replied, trying to sound confident. “That boy, Peter, he said it was 1659 and I'm on a pirate ship but that can't be right, right? I mean it was... It's not the seventeenth century. It's the twenty-first.”

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