Chapter Six

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“I first met Valentine when I saved his cousin from drowning. Her name was Susanna and she was a lovely. Laiken asked me if we could keep her but I said no, she was young. We returned her to the surface after we were certain she wasn't hurt. He was young too, he saw us and called for a witch-girl and Susanna's parents. He was convinced we had kidnapped her, despite what Susanna told him he refused to think of us as kind or good.

“Years passed and Valentine took to the sea. My girls were curious, we remembered Susanna and he was interesting. So we began following him, saving his victims. No woman or children were allowed to die, the men were different. My kind do not like males, they hunt us and trap us and take us from the sea. In saving his victims, Valentine grew to hate us.

“There was something like a war between us. He is afraid, he doesn't like us. And I would love to see him dead. He is a cruel man, his crew is made of crueler men. Unfortunately, he is smart and fights us. We cannot sink his ship, his men have been warned about our voices. We are at stalemate but I will win.”

Ren was gentle with Red's hair, brushing it out and twisting it into a perfect braid as she told her story. Red listened carefully, taking in the information slowly. Finished with her hair, Ren moved Red so the human girl was laying against the mermaid.

“Magic is a tricky thing. I am not sure why you're here. There is some reason I'm sure and everything is tied to that necklace. The only thing I can offer you is this; there have always been stories about the dangers of magic involving time. They say that those who meddle with it could break their timestreams so completely that reality becomes entangled until it is broken beyond repair.

“There have always been stories for horsemen who herald the end. Famine, Conquest, War and Death are their names. The note you found is the beginning of a message I've heard many times. It is something of a poem, a story, a warning.”

“What is it?” Red interrupted, curious.

Red of name and fair of face,

Alone can be Death's saving grace.

But beware the one there before,

All depends on Lady War.

Conquest wrapped with strands of blue,

Famine's life to start anew.

A price is paid by Lady War,

Return will she, forevermore.” Ren recited, voice soft and soothing.

“I don't understand,” Red muttered, memorizing the words quickly.

Ren just smiled slightly, “Oh my dear I'm sure you'll understand in time.”

“You know already,” Red accused, shifting away from the mermaid. Ren just smiled slightly, standing up.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But you must find your own destiny. Now come on, my girls want to meet you and they hate it when I don't share...”

Slightly afraid, Red followed Ren down a series of twisting passageways until the reached a curtain of brilliantly colored kelp. Ren brushed it aside easily, swimming into another room. Red followed nervously.

Seira was inside, along with two other mermaids Red didn't know. One had long, golden hair, eerie golden eyes and a yellow-brown tail. The other had tangled red hair and a green-blue tail that matched the color of her eyes. They made a striking trio, contrasting each other.

The blonde was the first to speak. “My name is Talori. Seira was telling us about you.” She giggled slightly, as if Seira had said something funny. “You're pretty, Ren can we play with her?”

“Can we keep her?” The redhead asked hopefully. “I'm Nerin, by the way. I've always liked pretty girls...”

Ren sighed. “You cannot keep her but I see no reason why you can't play with her a bit before she leaves. Do be nice.”

The three mermaids giggled at that, swimming over to Red and pulling her into an alcove. “Take off your clothing,” Nerin demanded.

“What? No I can't.....” Red blushed, looking down. The mermaids just giggled.

“Come on, don't be shy! We've seen lots of bodies, it's nothing new. Promise we won't stare,” Talori giggled, pulling at Red's clothing.

Blushing a dark crimson, Red took her clothing off and covered her chest nervously. The mermaids laughed, fluttering away to grab something. They returned a few minutes later carrying a dress. It was beautiful. Strapless, it was tight at the top before turning into petal-like ruffles that cascaded to the floor. The entire thing was a pale, dusty pink and impossibly soft.

“Ooooh, isn't she pretty? Like a flower fairy!” Seira gushed, pulling Red up. Talori and Nerin nodded happily.

“Wait! Shoes!” Nerin exclaimed, passing Talori a pair of matching satin slippers. Red stepped into them silently.

“Oh come on! We have a mirror!” Talori pulled Red over to an old mirror. Gazing at her reflection, the time traveler thought she was someone else. She looked like a princess, a fairy, anything but a simple human girl.

“Here, this is all you need,” Nerin whispered, placing a delicate crown on Red's head. It was made of shells and starfish and pearls and it was beautiful. Ren had braided Red's hair into a fishtail which looked surprisingly good.

“Yes, she's perfect! Let's show Ren!” Seira decided. The other two nodded in agreement and lead Red out of the room.

A few minutes later, the mermaids had found Ren. She was shocked to see Red, who looked like she belonged with the mermaids instead of on Valentine's ship. There was a heaviness in her heart when she realized Red would have to return.

“You look beautiful, Red. But it is time for me to return you to Valentine. I wish we could keep you but... You have destiny to meet.”

Seira, Nerin and Talori all burst into tears, pulling Red into their arms and kissing her sweetly. “We'll always remember you, beautiful girl! Return to us when you can!” They sang, voices still beautiful despite the sadness.

Ren lead Red towards the surface, staring ahead silently. “I cannot give you all the answers but I will give you this. Ask Valentine about his family, mention Bridget. And there is a gift you have, in your necklace. It can pull you back, but never more than thirteen hours, to something you lived through. Think of it as a retry button. If he grabs you and throws you overboard again, grab your necklace and think about what happened a few minutes before then. You will be pulled back into that body with your memories. It's highly unstable though, only sure it if you must.”

“Thank you, Ren,” Red murmured after agreeing. They left the water, Valentine's ship was only a few feet away.

“Keep the sea star, it will allow you to breathe underwater,” Ren instructed. And then, before Red could even say goodbye, the mermaid kissed her and then used a jet of water to lift her up and throw her onto the deck of Valentine's ship. Right at his feet.

The pirate captain stared down at the girl he thought was dead with wide eyes.


And I'm still up. Here's another chapter, we're getting into the plot... Anyways enjoy. Picture again isn't mine, it's kinda what I imagined Seira, Talori and Nerin looking like.

(I'll put a picture of Red's dress with the next chapter)

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