Chapter Four

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They had stopped at a small town, Red noticed. Valentine had ordered his men to stay on board while he dealt with whatever he needed to do. Then he had lead Red down into the port town, making sure she stayed next to him as he walked. After maybe ten minutes of walking, they stopped in front of a small, ramshackle store.

“Come on. Susanna will be able to help you. She's very nice.” Valentine opened the door and pulled Red inside quickly, striding into a back room. “Susanna! I need a favor!”

A young woman with chestnut hair tied up in a thick bun bounced out of a storeroom and wrapped Valentine in a tight hug. “Cousin! What do you need?” Catching sight of Red, she frowned. “You didn't... she's not...”

“She's not a prostitute, no. There were... extenuating circumstances. We need blouses, pants, that kind of stuff. Can you help us?”

The woman, Susanna, nodded easily. “Of course. It'll take a while. Go to the pub, do whatever you need to do, I'll keep an eye on your girl.” Valentine gave her a curt nod before leaving. Susanna smiled kindly. “What's your name, darling?”

“My name is Red,” the time traveler introduced herself. Susanna didn't bat an eye, she just smiled and nodded.

“Nice to meet you dearie. Come on, I have something that might fit you...” She rushed around, grabbing a few pieces of clothing and tossing them to Red. “Oh hold on, we should get you cleaned up. I hope you're not shy, with hair like that... Well come on. My house is upstairs, I'll draw you a bath and you can tell me how you ended up on my cousin's ship.”

Red explained her story as Susanna drew a bath upstairs. Although it was a cramped apartment, it was welcoming and warm. Susanna herself was a good listener, nodding along and humming in agreement as she warmed up water, lit candles and gathered up soaps and such. When Red was finished, the seamstress sighed and nodded.

“My cousin is a good man,” she began slowly. “He brought me here, got me this shop, gives me money when he sees me for the occasional favor. Unfortunately, he is not comfortable with the less rational things in life. The water is ready, you can get in now.”

Red nodded and slowly took her clothes off, blushing. Susanna ignored her embarrassment, thankfully. “What do you mean, less rational things?” Red asked as she climbed in to the warm water. She sighed happily, closing her eyes lightly.

“Mermaids and elves and demons and witchcraft, all of those things are rejected by him. The mermaids like playing with him, they follow his ship and refuse to let any women or children he kidnaps drown. They saved me when I was a child, they are not cruel. They will protect you if you ever need to escape from anyone. My sister was a witch, I suppose you could say. She was born with magic in her blood and only used it for good things. But Valentine was scared, she was powerful. And then she was killed by a dark sorceress and fear turned to hatred and terror. He is afraid of curses, afraid of magic and therefore afraid of what brought you here. I do not know why you showed up on his ship, I do not know why you are here, but I do know there is a reason for it all. There is always a reason, you just have to find it.”

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