Chapter Seven

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“Hello Valentine,” Red greeted cheerfully, standing up. To her surprise, she wasn't even wet. Casually she removed the starfish from her wrist and put it on her neck instead. The pirates watched in silent shock, wondering what Valentine would do.

“You should be dead! Drowned! How are you here?” Valentine stared at Red in confusion. She was beautiful, not a human girl but some sort of creature from another world. Then it hit hum, “Those damn mermaids saved you, didn't they?”

Red grinned slightly. “Oh yes, and I have a few questions to ask you...” Valentine froze for a moment before nodding slowly.

“Red, come with me. The rest of you get back to work. And if any of you lay a finger on her I will personally kill you. Come on.”

Valentine walked quickly, going back into his cabin. Red followed silently, wondering what was running through the pirate's mind. Once they were inside the cabin, Valentine locked the door and gestured for Red to sit down. She obeyed, taking a seat and crossing her ankles.

“What did those damn creatures tell you?” Valentine asked. He paused for a moment, studying Red. “I am sorry I tried to kill you. I was drunk, I'm sure you realized that.”

Red rolled her eyes. “I know you don't like me very much, you think I'm cursed. And as far as what the mermaids said... Well Ren told me to ask you about your family. Specifically someone named Bridget.”

A look of panic crossed Valentine's face. “Bridget is the reason I became a pirate. She's also the reason I killed my family.”

“What do you mean?” Red asked, shocked.

“I'll make you a deal,” Valentine decided. “I'll tell you about my family and Bridget but you have to promise me one thing. Do not trust Ren. She is a liar, she wishes to trap you in her realm. Her mermaids are no better.”

“Tell me about your family and Bridget then explain why you don't trust Ren and I'll decide who I trust.”

The pirate captain gave her a small smile. “You're getting smarter,” he commented. “Very well, I accept your terms.

“My father was a well-known merchant. My mother was a beautiful woman named Anne. She was the kindest woman you could meet, always smiles and sugar. Her sister was Susanna's mother. My father on the other hand was cruel. He often hit my mother if she didn't do things exactly to his liking. One day he hit her too hard and she stumbled down the stairs in our house, hit her head and died. It was declared an accident. After that, my father began to take his anger out on me. I learned that I shouldn't fight back, that made it worse.

“Bridget was my younger sister. She was so much like our mother, full of love and life and laughter. I tried to shelter her from our father, taking blows for her. One day I decided she needed to leave. I took her out of the house when my father was gone. She was supposed to go live with Susanna, she was going to be safe.

“We were waiting on the pier when it happened. Ren swam up to the surface and gave Bridget a choice. She promised my sister beautiful clothing and a loving family and all the things II couldn't give her. My beautiful little sister went with that creature and Ren promised she would bring her back to the pier every day at noon to see me.

“I waited out on that pier from noon until sunset every day for a month. Ren never brought her back to me. It's been eight years, she was barely eight when she left me. And those damn mermaids kidnapped her, maybe even killed her. And that is why I hate them, that's why you shouldn't trust them.

“But of course my story didn't end there. When my father returned, he was so angry. He almost killed me. After beating me to my breaking point, he got so drunk he passed out on the couch. So I got revenge. I burned our house to the ground, leaving him inside. I told everyone that I barely made it out, I climbed out my window because the door was burning and I thought my father had escaped.

“He burned that day and I got away with murder. I ran away, stole my father's ship and sailed off on my own. A group of pirates found me and decided to take pity on me. The captain taught me everything then let me go after four years of working on his ship. I formed my own crew, left that man forever. He's dead now, killed by the king's men.”

Valentine looked up when he was finished with his story. His eyes were cold, sad. Red impulsively stood up and captured him in a tight hug. “I'm so sorry,” she whispered.

The pirate captain hugged the small girl tightly for several moments before pulling away. “It is in the past. Do you see now why I hate those damn creatures so much? And Susanna's sister was killed for her magic. Unnatural things have brought my family nothing but loss and grief.”

“In my time, we have no mermaids, no magic. Those things are just stories, nothing more and nothing less. I'm not sure why I was brought back here but... There was some reason and I'm going to find it. And then I'll leave, I'll let you live your life away from this sort of thing.”

“I am not sorry you're here, Red. Magic is a tricky thing, it's dangerous. But you aren't a bad person, I can see that. You don't belong with pirates, you don't belong with mermaids.”

Red sighed slightly. “Ren told me something else. It's a poem of sorts. The beginning part was in my clothing.”

“What is it?” Valentine asked slowly.

Red of name and fair of face,

Alone can be Death's saving grace.

But beware the one there before,

All depends on Lady War.

Conquest wrapped with strands of blue,

Famine's life to start anew.

A price is paid by Lady War,

Return will she, forevermore.” Red quoted easily. The words were imprinted in her brain, she thought she'd never forget them.

Valentine frowned when he heard the words. “I don't know what that means,” he admitted. “I'll try to figure it out though. You should get some rest.”

Yawning slightly, Red nodded, looking around for somewhere to sleep. Rolling his eyes, Valentine lifted her easily and set her down in his bed, pulling the blankets over her. “Sleep well my time traveler,” he whispered, brushing his lips across Red's.

Eyes heavy, she let herself drift into deep sleep, safe in Valentine's bed.


Have another update! It's my friend's birthday and she apparently likes this story so I wrote this for her. Happy birthday Cleo! Picture isn't mine, it's the dress Red is wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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