"So then this other guy came up to me and said, 'I am a genie and I can make all your wishes come true!' So then I said ,' my first wish is that you shut up, second is that you walk away from me and third never talk to me again!' "
Dad choked on his...
Hi guys how was your valentines day? Well mine as usual was pretty crap! So as a gift to you I am going to write an idea for a future chapter. Based on valentines day!
Cuz lets face it you either win or lose on this day!
So here it is the future chapter!!!!
Also I just wanted to point out this is THREE CHAPTERS in one day! ONE DAY! I was just feeling creative! Anyway I won't hold you back anymore!
Tuesday 14th February - buying all the reduced price chocolates
So as per usual the universe hasn't granted me my wish of this day just going 'poof'! Why can't it just do that? I mean you have the soppy love sick puppies wandering the halls looking pathetic, then you have the tonsil tennis players, then you have the I'm gonna cause a scrap for you in everyones way cuz chicks totally dig that!, then you have the last category which is split in two - the I don't give three flying pigs about this holiday so fuck off!
How is this split in two you may ask? Well that would be between popular and whatever Fey and I are because we are the only ones that don't care about this holiday!
Anyway so yeah I don't like this holiday, also doesn't help that my brother gets all the cards whilst I am stuck getting fake ones from my mum. She even went out of her way to get someone else to write it this morning! Lucky me! Yeah I'm just pathetic! Even Mia has one it says 'roses are red, violets are blue, if you were a car, I would slam you!' Yup you guessed correctly sexual harasser guy is back! He really needs to think up a new pick up line!
Anyway so I'm currently waiting in line for my Pizza and texting Fey about our plans on buying all the reduced price chocolates, when I am so rudely shoved by, yup ladies and gentleman you guessed correctly again, the one and only violet!!!! Wooo!
I was just like:
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She just looked at me and smiled sweetly like she hadn't just nearly killed me! A bit of an over exageration but she knocked me into a table! Like come on!
"So how many valentines cards did you get, Maxine? I got 27 and it's only lunch!"
"I got None. Not that I actually give a shit like you and everyone else at this school. Valentines day is just a way for supermarkets to cheat love sick teenagers out of their money. I just wait for the 15th so that I can buy all the left over chocolates!"
"Oh your just jealous and fat!"
Really? I litterally have a six pack I don't think that is what you would call fat!
I was just like: say what?
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Anyway I made my way over to the teams table and plonked my butt down next to Zach. Everyone seemed to stop talking and just looked at me. I was seriously creeped out, but I had no further need to be creeped out because Fey came busting through the door holding like ten? Fifteen? Bags of chocolate. I was just like, thatnk you world!
She came rushing over to me and dumped everything on the table, which I immediatly started pigging out on. I have to say, this stuff was good. After like what? Five minutes James coughed and we both looked up since no one had said anything since we had sat down.
"What?" I mumbled out in between chomps of chocolate.
"Charming as always max, anyway I was wondering why you were lying on your but over there?"
"Oh Zach's Girlfriend pushed me over and called me fat. No big deal, I've got chocolate, we're all good! Anyway I think that we should be more worried about Fey!"
Everybody looked genrally confused, except from fey who was groaning behind me.
"What happened to Fey?" Mark asked.
"She fell on the floor in PE! It was hilarious!"
Fey shook her head embarassed.
"No! That is not what happened! The floor just needed a hug!"
"You were crying." I deadpanned.
"It was an emotional time!"
"Whatever you say Fey, I won't bring it up again since you brought me chocolates so..."
"Zachy boy!!!" An ear piercing screech hollered from across the hall. Everyone in the team seamed to groan in annoyance. Once she finally made her way to our table, I decided to indroduce her. You know me being the kind and helpful person that I am.
"And now ladies and gentleman entering our sacred table is the spawn of satan herself, I would recomend that you guard your precious areas since this wild catastrophic maniac is known to 'jump your bones' I only know this because of locker room chats. Please give a not so warm welcome to Zach's girlfriend, the one and only Violet Beveridge! Wooohoo yeah!"
A round of laughter and applause broke out while I took a bow and sat back down waiting for my source of lunch time entertainment to begin.
"Whatever looser! Anyway Zachy poo-"
"Zach I don't think you should trust this psyco she just called you poo!" I exclaimed mockingly. You know I should become a comedian since this seems to be getting a lot of laughs from everyone! Serves her right for shoving me over!
"Shut up! Anyway Zach did you get my card?"
"Yup, but if I'm honest you didn't really have to. Like I get that it's sweet and all but it really is just a way for supermarkets to cheat you out of your money."
"I agree with you fully, I just thought that it would be fun!"
"You litterally shoved me over and called me jealous for saying the exact same thing?!? What kind of world is this?!?"
So as I have said the section of valentines day that I am in is split into two sections; the populars and me and Fey! Woopee!
After that Violet just glared at me and strut off leaving us all laughing.
"So Max did you get any valentines cards?" Zach asks casually.
"Yeah one, from my mum, she went full out this year and got someone else to write it! I felt truly loved! You know I've come to the conclusion that every boy in the world is just too scared of my awesomeness to give me a card and that is why I never get any!"
Everyone looks at me for a second before bursting out laughing. That was just mean!
Zach looks at me and then mumbles under his breath, "yeah something like that..."
Confusing much? I think so!
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Hope you enjoyed that!!!
Your welcome btw!
Also this is a future one that I felt inspired to write a ruff draft of the now since technically it is still valentines week or something like that.